Functionally fit1 leaders are likely to be more effective than leaders struggling with personal issues that may interfere with professional competence, critical decision making and genuine care and concern for soldiers under their command They are those leaders who are not just physically fit, but mentally robust as well with sound psychological health to endure highly stressful and de…
h e war altered the business of fashion on a national and international scale. Th e authors writing in this volume argue that the changes that occurred in the fashionable silhouette, while set in motion in the 1910s, were fi xed into place during the war. Th eir essays highlight how the war restructured the international couture industry—not by decentering the axis away from Paris…
In recent years, the emergent field of critical infrastructure studies has turned to interdisciplinary analysis of infrastruc-tures as complex worldmaking systems: They produce shared space and time, connect cultures and subjectivities, negotiate power relations, inequalities, or the mediation and circulation of material agency.1 Infrastructures often appear as networks of media technologies th…
Is organic really worth it? Are eggs ok to eat? If so, which ones are best for you, and for the chicken—Cage-Free, Free-Range, Pasture-Raised? What about farmed salmon, soy milk, sugar, gluten, fermented foods, coconut oil, almonds? Thumbs-up, thumbs-down, or somewhere in between? Using three criteria—Is it good for me? Is it good for others? Is it good for the planet?—Sophie Egan help…
Pesticides are today the subject of considerable environmental issues. This work presents the outcome of fifteen years of research financed by the French Ministry of Ecology on the reduction in environmental risks from using pesticides. It emphasises especially the transfer of results to support public decisions.
"Sekali dalam hidup orang harus menentukan pilihan, kalau tidak tak akan pernah menjadi apa-apa. Setiap pilihan, disana ada risiko, ada konsekuensi. Demikianlah substansi buku yang ditulis para Pelajar Indonesia di negeri seberang. Dengan berani, mereka memilih untuk hidup di negeri orang. Sangat mengesankan; mereka bertahan dan tidak pernah lemah semangat untuk mewujudkan cita-cita. Dalam buku…