In2019,agraffitiartistsprayedamuralofFridaKahloonthebackofagunshopin Greensboro, North Carolina. The Mexican artist is shown with an ammunitionbelt around her hips, leaning back against the wall. In her hand, she holds a gunpointing downward,as if ready to lift her arms and shoot at the viewer.The mural copied a photograph of Kahlo which has long become a commodity.Itsdepictionof»Frida«reiter…
Breath is an autonomic function that is essential for life. Luce Irigaray writes, in “The Age of Breath,” “breathing, in fact, corresponds to the first autonomous gesture of a human being.”1 In a less anthropocentric, more physiological sense, breath, as a term, catches and brings together all those processes by which beings with lungs take in…
Der Begriff ‚Transformation‘ stammt vom lateinischen Wort ‚transformare‘ ab und bedeutet, dass etwas umgewandelt, umgeformt oder umgestaltet wird (Brockhaus Enzyklopädie 2006, 311). Dabei kann es sich sowohl um einen Gegenstand in der Natur-, als auch in der Geisteswissenschaft handeln, der sich transformiert bzw. transformiert wird. Die Folgen einer Transformation sind Verän…
This volume looks at the forms and functions of counterspeech as well as what determines its effectiveness and success from multidisciplinary perspectives. Counterspeech is in line with international human rights and freedom of speech, and it can be a much more powerful tool against dangerous and toxic speech than blocking and censorship. In the face of online hate speech and disinformation, co…
The Eurozone crisis began in late 2009. It followed in the wake of the globalfinancial crisis and quickly developed into one of the most serious economic andpolitical crises in the history of the European Union (EU). Nonetheless, after adecade of unsuccessful attempts to resolve the fundamental structural and insti-tutional issues that underlie the Eurozone’s problems, a long-term reform that…
The final decades of the 18th century became a crucial period for the differ-ent fields of natural history and related disciplines of ethnology and archaeol-ogy, as academic subjects in light of the advancement of Linnaean systematic classification in botany and zoology.5 The perception and systematization of the natural world went through a paradigmatic shift as a result. Collections and the p…