In a blog post on a recent trip to a Peruvia n monastery, Sa ra Salem recounts the moment she recognized Andalusia n tiles da ting from the era of Spa nish coloniza tion. Reflecting on this encounter with the lasting ma terial legacy of imperial expa nsion, she concludes tha t “[w]e could tell a nice story ... a bout how a rt travels a nd spreads a nd crosses bo…
Ippolito II d’Este was born in 1509 into a Ferrara ruled by his father, Duke Al-fonso I d’Este. His mother was Lucrezia Borgia, the daughter of Pope Alexander VI, who had orchestrated the marriage in the hope of tying his lineage to an established Italian family. The Este had been ruling over Ferrara, Modena and Reggio since the thirteen century and had increasingly extended their territori…
Globalization is a topic that is frequently in the news, with the economic andsociopolitical impacts of globalization often receiving a considerable mediacoverage. By contrast the effects of globalization on education and curricula receivefar less attention. Nonetheless, the potential impacts of globalization on education areof international interest, and some have argued that competition betwe…
As a cultural form, media practice and organizational model, the anthology has represented an important editorial framework in the development, preservation and retrieval of narratives, from paper-based media to machine-generated content, all throughout a series of discontinued analog and digital technologies. Over time, anthologies became part of the “metaphors we live by” (Lakoff and John…
At the origin of the cooperation that eventually led to this book, there is the idea of emphasizing the gap between the ordinariness of diversity, as it occurs in everyday life, and the many ways of representing and addressing it as something exceptional, independently of whether those representations and practices carry with them posi-tive or negative connotations. On the on…