In2019,agraffitiartistsprayedamuralofFridaKahloonthebackofagunshopin Greensboro, North Carolina. The Mexican artist is shown with an ammunitionbelt around her hips, leaning back against the wall. In her hand, she holds a gunpointing downward,as if ready to lift her arms and shoot at the viewer.The mural copied a photograph of Kahlo which has long become a commodity.Itsdepictionof»Frida«reiter…
DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Austria takes you by the hand, leading you straight to the best attractions the country has to offer. DK's insider travel tips and essential local information will help you discover the best of Austria, from the breathtaking Alpine scenery to the country's imperial castles and palaces. Discover one of the world's greatest collections of art in Vienna, visit Mozart…
This chapter sets out the aims of this book and explains themethods and approaches applied in its production. It alsoaspires to be a guide, offering readers instructions as to howbest to use the book. We therefore strongly encourage allreaders to read this chapter carefully, so as to gain a clearerunderstanding of all the different aspects analysed in thisbook. This chapter also provides essent…
Globalization is a topic that is frequently in the news, with the economic andsociopolitical impacts of globalization often receiving a considerable mediacoverage. By contrast the effects of globalization on education and curricula receivefar less attention. Nonetheless, the potential impacts of globalization on education areof international interest, and some have argued that competition betwe…
Achieving happiness while excelling at your career. What is the nature of human happiness, and how do we achieve it in the course of our professional lives? And is it even worth pursuing? This book explores answers to these questions with research into how happiness is measured, frameworks for personal behaviors, management techniques that build happiness in the workplace—and warnings t…
The paradox of early modern Russian medical records is that we haveboth notable survivals and problematic absences. In particular for theseventeenth century, we have sometimes day-by-day accounts of the spe-cific medicaments prescribed to the tsar, a kind of detailed elite pharma-cy record that has rarely survived in other locations. We also have lists ofimports, inventories…
Textual practices in pre-modern societies cover a great range of representations, from the literary to the pictorial. Among the most intriguing are synopses and lists. While lists provide a complete enumeration of ideas, people, events, or terms, synopses juxtapose one against the other. To understand how they were planned, produced, and consumed, is to gain insight into the practices of what o…
In the fashion field, the reputation-related crises are the most common, where some-times economic-related crises can also be involved. As Sábada et al. [7: 10] assure: “Infashion, reputation is a business, an asset as long as it is good. This means that brandsthat have favorable reputation have more loyal customers that are more dedicated andthat buy a broader range of products”. In gener…
The framework should be viewed as a school development planning tool to promote the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs. Information gathered when using it can inform school development planning activities by highlighting inclusion issues that need to be addressed. Schools will find the framework useful in demonstrating their progress towards the implementation of the principles …
he notion of “contextual theology” has a long history, beginning with its gradual introduction in the “Fund for Theological Education”. The term gained prominence through both the World Council of Churches and the Lausanne Movement adopting it in the 1970s. Theologians in Africa and Asia were already interested in how cultural contexts affected the interpre-tation o…