The best way to stay healthy with diabetes is to control the level of sugar in your blood. The medical word for sugar in the blood or blood sugar is glucose. Your goal is to keep your blood sugar as close to normal as possible without having high or low blood sugar problems.
If you buy a cup of coffee every day for $1.00 (an awfully good price for a decent cup of coffee, nowadays), that adds up to $365.00 a year. If you saved that $365.00 for just one year, and put it into a savings account or investment that earns 5% a year, it would grow to $465.84 by the end of 5 years, and by the end of 30 years, to $1,577.50. That’s the power of “compounding.” With compo…
According to the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA), benchmarking drives a “race to the top” and is one of the ways Textile Exchange (an ally of the WBA) mobilizes the industry to accelerate the uptake of preferred materials. Through Textile Exchange’s Corporate Fiber & Materials Benchmark (CFMB) program and its annually published Material Change Index (MCI), participating companies are al…
Down’s syndrome (DS) was first described in detail by an English doctor, John Langdon Down, in 1866. It is a congenital condition which randomly affects about 1 in every 700 babies born throughout the world, male and female alike. A ‘syndrome’ means a group of recognisable characteristics occurring together. A ‘congenital’ syndrome is one present at birth, one which cannot be ‘caug…