It is becoming increasingly important to find solutions for more resilient food production methods closer to urban environments with less vulnerability to supply-chain shocks (Benke and Tomkins, 2017; O’Sullivan et al., 2020; Pulighe and Lupia, 2020). Indoor vertical farming (IVF1) systems have emerged worldwide as a result of the need for more resilient food provisioning.…
The Angkorian World explores the history of Southeast Asia’s largest ancient state from the first to mid-second millennium CE. Chapters by leading scholars combine evidence from archaeology, texts, and the natural sciences to introduce the Angkorian state, describe its structure, and explain its persistence over more than six centuries. Comprehensive and accessible, this book will be an indis…
Compared with other pre-industrial societies, a rather high percentage of the Roman population in the Gallic and Germanic provinces was not involved in agrarian production during the High Empire. Rural produce was needed to feed soldiers and the inhabitants of vici, small towns and cities. To maintain this system the Gallo-Roman villae – the rural settlements whose…
Buku ini mengumpulkan cerita 19 orang Indonesia yang terpaksa kehilangan tanah air dan tinggal di berbagai sudut Eropa. Mereka berkelana menyeberangi berbagai batas negara dalam ketakutan, tanpa paspor, untuk menghindari pengejaran yang dilancarkan oleh sebuah rezim yang bertahta berdasawarsa lamanya. Ketika mendapat suaka di negara baru, mereka lega. Ketika pulang ke Indonesia, mereka menggun…
This book presents a comprehensive treatment of the principles of the mechanical behavior of materials. Appropriate for senior and graduate courses, Mechanical Behavior of Materials is distinguished by its focus on the relationship between macroscopic properties, material microstructure and fundamental concepts of bonding and crystal structure. Courtney's second edition brings the reader up-to…
Digital spaces are saturated with metaphor: we have pages, sites, mice, and windows. Yet, in the world of digital textuality, these metaphors no longer function as we might expect. Martin Paul Eve calls attention to the digital-textual metaphors that condition our experience of digital space, and traces their history as they interact with physical cultures. Eve posits that digital-textual metap…
In many countries, the political backlash against neoliberalism has mainly been a retreat from democracy, with a decline in independence of the judiciary and the monetary authorities, increased control of the media, and manipulation of elections for purposes of authoritarian control. The economic dynamics and the impact of neoliberalism, i.e. deregulation and liberalized markets, is just one ca…
Solutions to all of the odd-numbered end of chapter exercises are in this manual. This book can be very valuable if you use it properly. The way not to use it is to look at an exercise in the book and then immediately check the solution, often saying to yourself, "thats easy, I can do it". Developing problem solving skills takes practice. Don't look up a solution to a problem until you have tri…
Within the research project,one of the first steps was to select the eight countries /jurisdictionsto be examined. The aim was to achieveawidelyspread representa-tion of regionsaround the globe, restrictingthe scope toamanageable number ofjurisdictions (eight)while allowing for diversity,explicitly focusing on the inclusionof nations in the global south. The aim of achievingdiversity is related…
Both Heyting and Gentzen approached questions of meaning in relation to whatit is to prove something, but as seen from the above, their approaches were stillvery different. Gentzen was concerned with what justifies inferences and therebywith what makes something a valid form of reasoning. These concerns were absentfrom Heyting’s explanations of mathematical propositions and assertions. The co…