This Open Access book is an anthropological urban study of the Emirate of Dubai, its institutions, and their evolution. It provides a contemporary history of disability in city planning from a non-Western perspective and explores the cultural context for its positioning. Three insights inform the author’s approach. First, disability research, much like other urban or social issues, must be si…
Pernahkah kalian merasakan perasaan yang dalam akan sesuatu dan tenggelam dalam pikiran yang panjang sendirian? Atau dihadapkan pada sesuatu yang menimbulkan nostalgia, perasaan bahagia, kerinduan yang dalam, atau bahkan kesepian? La Reverie dipersembahkan kepada orang-orang yang sedang mengalami kegundahan dalam hatinya, namun tak punya ruang untuk sekadar bicara.
Buku ini memberikan mahasiswa kedokteran dasar-dasar ilmu biokimia dengan cara yang menarik dan relevan. Dalam buku yang ringkas tetapi komprehesif ini, tercakup studi kasus terbaru, diskusi mengenai penyakit-penyakit biokimia dan informasi klinis. * Terdapat pula informasi mengenai keadaan medis yang menjadi prevalensi, mencakup hiperkolesterolemia, obesitas, dan diabetes melitus. * Memberi …
Para ahli pendidikan, industrialis dan psikologi menggunakan tes intelegensia secara luas. Apakah Anda mengetahui bagaimana intelegensia anda sesungguhnya ? Apakah Anda pernah mengukur kemampuan mental anda? Sadarkah mengenai kepribadian serta kemampuan kreativitas anda. Di sini terdapat peluang untuk belajar mengerti terhadap diri sendiri, anda juga dapat mempertajam kecerdasan.
Gema Loyola Reborn kali ini mengusung tema kekeluargaan di SMA Kolese Loyola. Redaksi ingin menunjukkan bahwa meskipun tidak sedarah, namun kita bisa menjadi satu keluarga. Dengan nilai-nilai Ignatian dan budaya Indonesia yang memberi landasan kuat untuk mempererat kekeluargaan di Loyola.
This open access book constitutes an ethnographic mosaic which depicts the contextual complexities of the life and work of seafarers who are employed in the international merchant cargo fleet. The collection is based upon the observations and interviews of researchers in multiple disciplines. It is woven together to offer a richly detailed insight into the ways in which a complex global industr…
"Well, I get around as often as I can, Tom. You're not home a great deal, you know. When you're not off in your sky racer seeing how much you can beat the birds, you're either hunting elephants in Africa, or diving down under the ocean, or out in a diamond mine, or some such out-of-the-way place as that. No wonder you don't get many letters. But that one looks as if it had come quite a dist…
"Where are you going, Tom?" asked Mr. Barton Swift of his son as the young man was slowly pushing his motor-cycle out of the yard toward the country road. "You look as though you had some object in view." "So I have, dad. I'm going over to Lanton." "To Lanton? What for?" "I want to have a look at that motor-boat." "Which boat is that, Tom? I don't recall your speaking about a boat over …
"What's the matter with Eradicate?" asked Tom, somewhat anxiously. "I hope you and he haven't had another row?" Eradicate had served Tom and his father long before Koku, the giant, had been brought back from one of the young inventor's many strange trips, and ever since then there had been a jealous rivalry between the twain as to who should best serve Tom. "No trouble, Master," said Kok…
Ceasing his restless walk up and down the room, Tom Swift strode to the window and gazed across the field toward the many buildings, where machines were turning out the products evolved from the brains of his father and himself. There was a worried look on the face of the young inventor, and he seemed preoccupied, as though thinking of something far removed from whatever it was his eyes ga…