This chapter describes some important highlights in the history of the IoT (Internet of things). Nowadays, the internet-based information architecture allows the exchange of services and goods between all elements, equipment and objects connected to the network. The IoT refers to the networked interconnection of those everyday objects, which are often equipped with some kind of intelligence. In…
Ada banyak cara untuk melukiskan seorang wanita: seorang anak, ibu, nenek, istri, pacar, wanita karier, sahabat, murid, guru, bos. Tetapi, persamaan yang tak bisa dilepaskan dari para wanita ini adalah: mereka memiliki hati untuk merasakan kelembutan cinta, menempa persahabatan seumur hidup, mengejar karier yang dipilih, membentuk kehidupan baru, bertanggung jawab tanpa kenal lelah atas pekerja…
Sebagian besar para peminum kopi sejati memulai hari dengan cangkir kopi panas-ritual yang dilakukan oleh jutaan orang di seluruh dunia. Daya tarik kopi yang mengepul dan menghirup aroma kuatnya membangkitkan semangat kita untuk menghadapi segala suasana hati dan tantangan hidup. Dan, puncak kenikmatannya adalah ketika mencecap rasanya. Dengan antisipasi terjaga, pencinta kopi mengenali kekenta…
This chapter sets out the aims of this book and explains themethods and approaches applied in its production. It alsoaspires to be a guide, offering readers instructions as to howbest to use the book. We therefore strongly encourage allreaders to read this chapter carefully, so as to gain a clearerunderstanding of all the different aspects analysed in thisbook. This chapter also provides essent…
This collection brings together essays concerned with the military profession and professionalism in Denmark, Norway and Sweden – theoretical and empirical studies of professional value systems, professional roles, professional logics, pro-fessional development and professional education and training.European militaries have changed, in some ways quite profoundly, since t…
This Open Access book is an anthropological urban study of the Emirate of Dubai, its institutions, and their evolution. It provides a contemporary history of disability in city planning from a non-Western perspective and explores the cultural context for its positioning. Three insights inform the author’s approach. First, disability research, much like other urban or social issues, must be si…
Buku ini memberikan mahasiswa kedokteran dasar-dasar ilmu biokimia dengan cara yang menarik dan relevan. Dalam buku yang ringkas tetapi komprehesif ini, tercakup studi kasus terbaru, diskusi mengenai penyakit-penyakit biokimia dan informasi klinis. * Terdapat pula informasi mengenai keadaan medis yang menjadi prevalensi, mencakup hiperkolesterolemia, obesitas, dan diabetes melitus. * Memberi …
Para ahli pendidikan, industrialis dan psikologi menggunakan tes intelegensia secara luas. Apakah Anda mengetahui bagaimana intelegensia anda sesungguhnya ? Apakah Anda pernah mengukur kemampuan mental anda? Sadarkah mengenai kepribadian serta kemampuan kreativitas anda. Di sini terdapat peluang untuk belajar mengerti terhadap diri sendiri, anda juga dapat mempertajam kecerdasan.
This open access book constitutes an ethnographic mosaic which depicts the contextual complexities of the life and work of seafarers who are employed in the international merchant cargo fleet. The collection is based upon the observations and interviews of researchers in multiple disciplines. It is woven together to offer a richly detailed insight into the ways in which a complex global industr…
"Well, I get around as often as I can, Tom. You're not home a great deal, you know. When you're not off in your sky racer seeing how much you can beat the birds, you're either hunting elephants in Africa, or diving down under the ocean, or out in a diamond mine, or some such out-of-the-way place as that. No wonder you don't get many letters. But that one looks as if it had come quite a dist…