The conversation had taken an unexpected turn. It is not often that people compare academic publishing and churchgoing. Nor would many think of using age as a measure of the credibility of an academic journal. Yet Akosua’s witty apercu, offered in an interview about academic publishing practices in Ghana, reveals an important truth. A scholarly journalâ€â€¦
Think outside the box and get results with Essential Managers: Innovation. This book will give you all the tools you'll need to succeed.
Saburo Hasegawa’s suddenly high-profile work and ideas resonated in a mid-twen-tieth-century American art world that had been largely leveled and restructured by the turmoil of World War II and its geopolitical aftermath. Modernist players and an existential ethos from Europe as well as philosophies from Asia eventually supplanted American scene regionalist artists and figurative and …
Analytical Heat Transfer explains how to analyze and solve conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer problems. It enables students to tackle complex engineering heat transfer problems prevalent in practice. Covering heat transfer in high-speed flows and unsteady highly turbulent flows, the book also discusses enhanced heat transfer in channels, heat transfer in rotating channels, nume…
This e-book contains slide which explain about temperature, heat, and thermodynamics.
The volume you have before you is the first edited collection specifically devoted to philosophy of astrophysics. Our primary aims in producing this volume have been to gather contemporary research in philosophy of astrophysics together in one place as both a reference resource for scholars already working in this subdiscipline and as an introduc…
Pesatnya perkembangan di bidang kedokteran telah mendesak pakar kesehatan menemukan berbagai penyebab gagal jantung. Organ tubuh yang bermacam-macam serta fungsinya yang berbeda beda tidak dapat dipisahkan satu sama lain karena saling terkait. Penyakit jantung yang diakibatkan oleh kegagalan pekerjaan jantung telah menempatkan penyakit ini pada deretan ketiga terbesar di seluruh penyakit yang m…