This equation suggests that if relationships 1 and 2 are opposedin type, then relationships 3 and 4 will be similarly opposed.A similarity in type between 1 and 2, or 3 and 4, though allowedby the formula, is taken to be a very rare occurrence. IndeedL6vi -Strauss suggests that this latter type of structure couldwell be expected to break down or at lea…
This manual presents some of the small-craft night baiting and fishing techniques commonly used in the Pacific Islands region, and provides Pacific Island fishermen with information that may help develop their small-craft commercial fishing operations. Some of the techniques are improvements in canoe fishing methods and use basic gear, while other techniques include modern fishing equipment use…
What if we were actually able to smell out the mixture of things that composed the olfactory past? What if historians were to bury their noses in the past instead of merely resorting to ocular inspection?This short book provides some answers to these questions. It is an exploration of what it means to study smell in the past, smell and the past and the smell of the pas…
Down to Earth Archaeology collects sixteen archaeological papers by Professor William Y. Adams chosen by the author, who added introductory commentary to each. These articles were written at various times during his lengthy and productive academic career for different purposes and for different audiences. Most of those selected had been previously published only in a limited way, either as conf…
The qualities of Vipassana are exemplified by Mr. Goenka, himself. He is a pragmatic person, in touch with the ordinary realities of life and able to deal with them incisively, but in every situation he maintains an extraordinary calmness of mind. Along with that calmness is a deep compassion for others, an ability to empathize with virtually any human being. There is however, nothing solemn ab…
Has someone ever taken advantage of you for their benefit? Do you want to learn to defend yourself against Mental Manipulation or do you want to learn easy how to use Dark Psychology to get what you want from people without them even knowing it? You should know that most of our choices are generated and managed through the application of specific methods of Covert Manipulation. Knowing these …
The Antonine Wall, the Roman frontier in Scotland, was the most northerly frontier of the Roman Empire for a generation from AD 142. It is a World Heritage Site and Scotland’s largest ancient monument. Today, it cuts across the densely populated central belt between Forth and Clyde. In this volume, nearly 40 archaeologists, historians and heritage managers present their researches on the Anto…
The Subject Matter of Geometry. In geometry, although we shall continue the use of arithmetic and algebra, our main work will be a study of what will later be defined (" 13) as geometric figures. The student is already familiar with the physical objects about him, such as a ball or a block of wood. By a careful study of the following exercise, he may be led to see the relation of such physical …