These three alarming vignettes might appear, on one level, to reflect quite dif-ferent concerns: abortion, surrogacy, and adoption. But a closer look reveals some deeper connections, and it is these deeper, more insidious connections that this collection of essays explores: the asymmetrically distributed privilege and precarity within which reproductive choices are made, the confluence of diffe…
While at medical school in north China during the sec-ond Sino-Japanese war (1936–45), Professor Ma chose to specialise in traditional medicine. As a medical graduate in revolutionary China, he was then allocated a position teaching physiology in Peking Medical College (Beiyi Xueyuan ????), which allowed him ample time for reading the medical classics, a pursuit that he found suited him bette…
Open your eyes to a world of discovery. Enter the extraordinary empire of the creepy-crawly. From dung beetles to dragonflies, meet the neighbors you rarely see -- but are essential to your life. A wealth of facts, combined with dramatic photography, ensures that Eye Wonders are the perfect educational start for young children. Eye Wonders is a groundbreaking reference series specially develope…
During the past 50 years, theological libraries have confronted secularisation and religious pluralism, along with revolutionary technological developments that brought not only significant challenges but also unexpected opportunities to adopt new instruments for the transfer of knowledge through the automation and computerisation of libraries. This book shows how European theological libraries…
Writing history is an art and a craft. This handbook supports research students and independent scholars by showing how the historical profession works and how to participate in its vibrant community of scholars. It outlines techniques to help design large-scale research projects, demonstrates the difference between quantitative and qualitative research methodologies and provides advice on brin…
Polar bears are a charismatic Arctic species and the anticipated effects of climate change on their habitat have gained increasing international attention, making the species a high-profile conservation priority. Changes to the Arctic ecosystem will not only affect polar bears and their habitat, but also the livelihoods of Arctic communities. Hunting polar bears helps maintain cultural identit…