Rapid advances in AI technologies have generated intense interest and debate about their potential to reshape industries and societies. This book compiles academic papers from "The Economic Perspective of Artificial Intelligence (EPEAI)" conference held at the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences in Germany, in March 2023. The authors explore the economic dimensions of AI, shedding light on…
Mastering the art of mechatronics' currently looks like one of the most attractive tasks of modern engineering technology and science. Many applications resort to the interdisciplinary approach of mechatronics to enhance the performance, quality and safety of either product or process. Some are very traditional (like hard disk drives, biomedical, automotive and aerospace systems) while others a…
Neural systems are characterized by wide dynamic range, robustness, plasticity, andyet stability. How these competing ingredients are amalgamated into a system inwhich they all‘live’peacefully together is a key question to address and understandin neuroscience. Neuronal firing rates, synaptic weights, and population synchronyshow several orders of magnitude distribution. This skewed dynamic…
The diagnosis and management of compartment syndrome represents a dilemma for clinicians. A major cause of concern in treating compartment syndrome is the potentially devastating outcome if not treated effectively. Compartment syndrome results in ischemia within a fascial compartment that eventuates into necrosis of the tissues it encompasses. Sequelae of missed compartment syndrome include los…
Any discussion about the history of surgery inevitably begins with an invariable reference to Su?ruta and his contributions to facial surgery, in particular. While the contributions of the sixth-century sage surgeon may somewhat be nebulous in a foggy poorly documented history, they are inevitably (and arguably) numerous but need not be elaborated here in any manner. What is lesser know…
A new edition of the handy, full-color atlas for managing ophthalmic disorders Featuring the clinical expertise of respected authorities in the field, the second edition of Color Atlas of Ophthalmology is a lavishly illustrated atlas designed to guide clinicians through the accurate diagnosis and appropriate management of the full range of ophthalmic disorders. For each disease or condition,…
Touch, which is an indispensable element of human–human interaction, conveys much more than affection, concern, or care; it is a medium for expressing a myriad of intentions and emotions. When analyzed from a bottom?up perspective, the relationship between low?threshold unmyelin?ated peripheral afferent fibers (also known as C?touch or CT fibers) and the c…
Cities are growing worldwide due to an increasing population, and simultaneously,motorization intensifies. Challenges such as local environmental pollution, a lack ofspace, and saturation of existing infrastructure are thereby becoming more pressing.The urgency to act and the need for new forms of mobility sets the tone not only forpolitics, urban, and transport planning but also leads some com…
This book offers exciting and often surprising insights into one hundred diseases that have emerged over the past century. The authors focus on the period from 1923, when Radboud University was founded, to 2023, the university's centennial anniversary. All of the diseases included in this book have left an indelible mark on the century in which they emerged, in either a scientific and/or socio-…
This book is the outcome of a joint experiment—an experimental exercise in university–industry relationship building between our institutions: BMW and Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU). To be sure, our institutions have always had good and trusting relationships between individual experts—long before our time in leadership roles. People at BMW and FAU have been in…