E. H. Gombrich’s A Little History of the World, an engaging and lively book written for readers both young and old, vividly brings the full span of human experience on Earth to life, from the stone age to the atomic age. Gombrich’s text paints a colorful picture of wars and conquests; of grand works of art; of the advances and limitations of science; of remarkable people and remarkable even…
Discover 10,000 years of the shadowy side of our world in this treasure trove of alternative history. The Encyclopedia of Secret Societies features detailed information about.
In this colorfully-illustrated reference for young adult readers, the history of ancient Rome is traced from the mythic founding of the city by the twins Romulus and Remus, through its many emperors and wars, to the disintegration of the empire in the third and fourth centuries CE. Boxed information provides further details on aspects of daily life, traditions, and laws; the Roman military; fam…
This is an illustrated history of Britain from prehistoric times to the present day. The book analyzes the major political and military events in British history, and where appropriate, looks at these within a wider, international context. It also describes everyday life for men and women from different levels of society in different ages: the kind of work they did, family life, etc. Emphasis i…
Were the pyramids of the pharaohs conceived in Britain? The acclaimed coauthors of Civilization One think so, and they take readers on a gripping excursion into ancient religion and astronomy. Knight and Butler not only establish the existence of an advanced civilization with astonishing, almost modern knowledge, but they also explain how the oldest Neolithic monuments--the henges of North York…
Today, images of fetuses and pregnant bodies are ubiquitous. We encoun-ter them everywhere—from ultrasound pictures of expected babies in family albums to childbirth scenes in reality television shows or on social media platforms. Images of fetal bodies are also frequently seen in antiabortion campaigns. The capacity of fetal photographs and ultrasound images …
This study offers a radically new perspective on Dutch Neorealism, one that emphasizes the role of film as an apparatus, the effects of which, when emulated in painting, can reproduce the affective experience of film-watching. More of a tendency than a tightly defined style or "ism," Neorealism is the Dutch variant of Magic Realism, an uncanny mode of figurative painting identified with Neue Sa…
By invoking Flora Nwapa, this monograph draws attention to Nigerian women writers in world literature, with an emphasis on femininity and spirituality. Flora Nwapa’s Efuru was the first internationally published novel in English by a female African writer (Nwapa 1966). With the establishment of Tana Press in 1977, Flora Nwapa also became the first fe…
n a suggestive passage, Wilfred Thesiger, or, as his Arab friends affectionately called him, Mubarak bin London, described his encounter with the people of the Empty Quarter in the following terms:“The northern Arabs had no traditions of civiliza-tion behind them. To arrange three stones as a fireplace on which to set a pot was the only archi-tecture that many …
In a blog post on a recent trip to a Peruvia n monastery, Sa ra Salem recounts the moment she recognized Andalusia n tiles da ting from the era of Spa nish coloniza tion. Reflecting on this encounter with the lasting ma terial legacy of imperial expa nsion, she concludes tha t “[w]e could tell a nice story ... a bout how a rt travels a nd spreads a nd crosses bo…