Finland has been often labelled a ‘green superpower’. In 2016, according to the EPI (Environmental Performance Index) prepared by Yale and Columbia Universities, Finland was the world’s cleanest and greenest country.1 Gener-ally speaking, Nordic countries have tended to be idealised as ‘pristine and green’ compared to the rest of the rapidly contaminating world where the r…
The boreal forest is a vast biome encompassing approximately one-third (30%) of the world’s forest area. It harbors about half of the world’s remaining natural and near-natural forests and provides important ecological, economic, social, and cultural services and values that benefit human communities (Burton et al., 2010; Gauthier et al., 2015a). …
In history, there are both periods of relative stability and critical nodal points, when specific turns of events and choices have an impact on which path the next phase of history will take (for the concept of nodal point, see Bhaskar 1986, 217 and Patomäki 2006, 9–18; for world-historical examples of counterfactual turning points, see Tetlock et al. 2006). A r…