Intersectional Lives explores the varied experiences of Chinese Australian females across time and place during the White Australia Policy era (1901-1973). Chinese Australian women’s personal reflections are examined alongside postcolonial feminist readings of official records to illustrate how their everyday lives were influenced by multiple and fluid identities and subject positions includi…
Cityscoopes: concise, illustrated guides that provide an overview of a city's past as well as a focused eye on its present.
Little did Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and other ‘gentlemen scientists’ know, when they were making their scientific discoveries, that centuries later they would inspire a new field of scientific practice, research and innovation called citizen science. Citizen science can be defined in lay terms as ‘scientific work undertaken by members of the general pu…
This open access book brings together a collection of cutting-edge insights into how action can and is already being taken against climate change at multiple levels of our societies, amidst growing calls for transformative and inclusive climate action. In an era of increasing recognition regarding climate and ecological breakdown, this book offers hope, inspiration and analyses for multi-level …
It is now well or over a hundred years since western European scholars succeeded in discovering the key to the writings that two long-vanished Near Eastern civilizations had left behind. These are the hieroglyphic inscriptions to be found on Egyptian buildings and objects, and the writings, in cuneiform script, on clay tablets and on stone objects found in and around today's Iraq.
In the two decades since the debut of the Digital Earth (DE) vision, a con-certed international effort has engaged in nurturing the development of a technologyframework and harnessing applications to preserve the planet and sustain humansocieties. Evolutionary threads can be traced to key historic and multidisciplinaryfoundations, which were presciently articulated and represented at the first …
The journey motif is what enables Melville’s Ishmael to assert his independence, just as it helps Huck Finn escape from the constric-tions of Southern society, an unjust and restrictive social order. This legendary motif functions as a characteristic element in the literary construction of American experience – and of the United States as a distinct geographic and cultural space. …
This book is being published in the midst of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, an event that was beyond the imagination of most people at the time that the project started, but one that now grips the world and is one of the principal factors in how we presently organise our daily existence. It was suggested that we might add some information to the book about these changes and…