All of these different food groups have great health benefits on their own. Protein is a great source of energy, is satiating, and helps to build and rebuild muscles. Grains are the main source of fuel for our body and brain. Vegetables and fruits are full of fiber and important vitamins and minerals. When each component is combined together in a meal, the nutrition benefits increase even more.…
Indonesia has a very close relationship with its food culture. However, the majority of people aren't aware of how detrimental a lot of our favourite foods can be. So I started to think that maybe if there was more awareness, then people would be more cautious and attempt to change how they eat. In a third world nation such as Indonesia, we shouldn't only be improving our cities, but also alter…
Did you know that 1 in 6 Americans will get sick from food poisoning this year? Food poisoning not only sends 128,000 Americans to the hospital each year, it can also have long-term health effects. The keys to basic food safety are cooking it to the right temperature and handling it properly. Follow these guidelines to keep you, your family, and your guests safe. For more information on these a…
Sejak tahun 2013 Icha Irawan, mengikuti suaminya untuk hijrah dan tinggal di Sydney - Australia. Berawal dari kerinduannya akan makanan Indonesia, Icha mencoba meramu berbagai resep masakan Indonesia sampai akhirnya membuka Catering Rumahan masakan Indonesia di Sydney Australia tahun 2015-2018. Namun tidak sampai di situ kegemaran Icha memasak, menciptakan resep-resep yang mudah dimengerti, da…
Instagram adalah salah satu media sosial ampuh dan paling ditunggu oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat di era digital ini. Ada ribuan akun instagram yang dibuat oleh para pegiat boga, mulai dari ibu rumah tangga, pengusaha makanan, hingga chef profesional. Akun @xander'skitchen pemiliknya adalah ibu rumah tangga yang saat buku ini disusun dan diterbitkan pertama kali pada Januari 2018 di pulau te…
The processing of plant ingredients for food has characterized the genus Homo, with the grinding, fermentation and cooking of plant ingredients improving their nutrient intake and leading to increases in brain-size, improved population sustainability, and cultural development (e.g. Stahl 1989; Wrangham 2009). Plants have fed human societies since Palaeolithic times and th…
Ayone can cook anything and make it delicious. Whether you’ve never picked up a knife or you’re an accomplished chef, there are only four basic factors that determine how good your food will taste: salt, which enhances flavor; fat, which amplifies flavor and makes appealing textures possible; acid, which brightens and balances; and heat, which ultimately determines the texture of food. Sal…
This e-book contains healthy food recipe for healthy body.