DYNASTIES OF CHINA introduces the achievements of the dynasties that ruled China for nearly two thousand years. Chapters explore the Great Wall, the Silk Road, the Mongol invasions, Beijing and the Forbidden City, Chinese art and calligraphy, and much more. Paperback. 86 pages. ** Part of the CORE KNOWLEDGE HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY (CKHG) series in world and American history and geography, integra…
This informative but concise history of China and Southeast Asia is perfect for travelers, students, teachers, and businesspeople. Portable and attractively designed, it includes color illustrations, maps, and a brief history of the region. Explored are relations between China and Southeast Asia across two millennia; patterns of diplomacy, commercial networks, and migration; and how these have …
In 221 B.C. the First Emperor of Qin unified what would become the heart of a Chinese empire whose major features would endure for two millennia. In the first of a six-volume series on the history of imperial China, Lewis highlights the key challenges facing the court officials and scholars who set about governing an empire of such scale and diversity.
"The Mongol takeover in the 1270s changed the course of Chinese history. The Confucian empire—a millennium and a half in the making—was suddenly thrust under foreign occupation. What China had been before its reunification as the Yuan dynasty in 1279 was no longer what it would be in the future. Four centuries later, another wave of steppe invaders would replace the Ming dynasty with yet an…
In a brisk revisionist history, William Rowe challenges the standard narrative of Qing China as a decadent, inward-looking state that failed to keep pace with the modern West. The Great Qing was the second major Chinese empire ruled by foreigners. Three strong Manchu emperors worked diligently to secure an alliance with the conquered Ming gentry, though many of their social edicts—especial…
The Great Wall of China is a wonder of the world. Every year, hundreds of thousands of tourists take the five-mile journey from Beijing to climb its battlements. While myriad photographs have made this extraordinary landmark familiar to millions more, its story remains mysterious and steeped in myth. In this riveting account, John Man travels the entire length of the Great Wall and across two m…
Cold seeps are seafloor manifestations of methane-rich fluid migration from the sedimentary subsurface to the seabed and into the water column, and ultimately, some of the methane may even reach the atmosphere (Boetius and Wenzhöfer 2013). Marine hydrocarbon seeps are common features of continental margins worldwide (Suess 2020). Because of their re…
hroughout his adult life, Alabaster kept diaries. In 1987, they were donated to the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London.2 For much of his career, the diaries list his daily appointments and meetings with only brief notices of personal events; for this he used Letts’s brand diaries, one day for each page. However, the first four volume…
Graduate students have traditionally learned a good part ofwhat they know about sources and research aids on modern Chinathrough hearsay and serendipity, in unsystematic and unreliable bitsand pieces. The field has now developed to the point where thisneed not and ought not to be so. It is now possible for beginningresearcher…
Ban Wang traces the shifting concept of the Chinese state from the late nineteenth century to the present, showing how the Confucian notion of tianxia—“all under heaven”—influences China’s dedication to contributing to and exchanging with a common world.