The student beginning the study of Roman History through the medium of the works of modern writers cannot fail to note wide differences in the treatment accorded by them to the early centuries of the life of the Roman State. These differences are mainly due to differences of opinion among moderns as to the credibility of the ancient accounts of this period. And so it will perhaps prove helpful …
A Great Civilization Many people believe that the greatest of all the civilizations of the ancient world was the civilization of Greece. However, it is a little misleading to speak about ancient Greece as though it were a single civilization. Ancient Greece was not a unified country. It was a collection of independent city-states. The ancient Greek word for city-state was polis (/poh* lihs/). A…
She said she was in the family way examines the subject of pregnancy and infancy in Ireland from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. It draws on exciting and innovative research by early-career and established academics, and consider topics that have been largely ignored by historians in Ireland. The book will make an important contribution to Irish women.
History is one of the most important cultural tools to make sense of one’s situation, to establish identity, define otherness, and explain change. As a consequence, the scientific discipline of history is not only practiced, but the study of historiography has advanced to a thriving field of research. In fact, an impressive amount of theoretical literature on historiography has been brought f…
THE STORY of our world is a story that is still very imperfectly known. A couple of hundred years ago men possessed the history of little more than the last three thousand years. What happened before that time was a matter of legend and speculation. Over a large part of the civilized world it was believed and taught that the world had been created suddenly in 4004 B.C., though authorities diffe…
I remember being interested in Dutch football from a young age. The first football match I can remember watching was the Italia 1990 World Cup match between England and the Netherlands – although saying I remember ‘watching’ it is a little inaccurate. To be honest, until I looked up the score, while writing this, I could not remember who had won (actua…
Herritage and memory, as closely related concepts, have great relevance to our world and European society today. Contemporery Europe faces political, economic, social, and humanitarian challenges that influence both how people deal with their past and how they build their identities and ideas of the future as they remember and reshape the past within, and related to larger power structures.
On a near-daily basis, data is being used to narrate our lives. Categorizing algorithms drawn from amassed personal data to assign narrative destinies to individuals at crucial junctures, simultaneously predicting and shaping the paths of our lives. Data is commonly assumed to bring us closer to objectivity, but the narrative paths these algorithms assign seem, more often than not, to replicate…
GeologicaIly, 1ndonesia is complex. 1st consists of groups of large and small islands, situated between the Asiatic and the Australian Continents, and extends from 60 N. lat. to 110 S. lat. and 950 to 1400 E. long. The Archipelago is a heterogeneous geosyncIinal area divided into two dissimilar regions. One, the northwestern region, has been stabIe sin ce Pleistocene times; it has a quiet, reg…
This chapter considers early modern academic drama performed at St John’s College, Oxford. Dutton begins by describing the college household materials on which such performances drew, adopting a productively broad definition of this category that includes the people working, studying, and teaching at St John’s, as well as their immediate neighbours in town; the college’s domestic furnishi…