This open access book offers comprehensive, self-contained knowledge on Digital Twin (DT), which is a very promising technology for achieving digital intelligence in the next-generation wireless communications and computing networks. DT is a key technology to connect physical systems and digital spaces in Metaverse. The objectives of this book are to provide the basic concepts of DT, to explore…
As a cultural form, media practice and organizational model, the anthology has represented an important editorial framework in the development, preservation and retrieval of narratives, from paper-based media to machine-generated content, all throughout a series of discontinued analog and digital technologies. Over time, anthologies became part of the “metaphors we live by” (Lakoff and John…
The contributions gathered in this open access book focus on modern methods for data science and classification and present a series of real-world applications. Numerous research topics are covered, ranging from statistical inference and modeling to clustering and dimension reduction, from functional data analysis to time series analysis, and network analysis. The applications reflect new analy…