The electroweak theory unifies two basic forces of nature: the weak force and electromagnetism. This is a concise introduction to the structure of the electroweak theory and its applications. It describes the structure and properties of field theories with global and local symmetries, leading to the standard model. It describes the particles and processes predicted by the theory, and compares t…
The Science and Technology of Particle Accelerators provides an accessible introduction to the field, and is suitable for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and academics, as well as professionals in national laboratories and facilities, industry, and medicine who are designing or using particle accelerators. Providing integrated coverage of accelerator science and technology, this boo…
In this chapter we will first review some simple rules of vector alegbra. These basic vector operations are first defined independent of any coordinate system and then specifically applied to the cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate system to another will also be described.