The final decades of the 18th century became a crucial period for the differ-ent fields of natural history and related disciplines of ethnology and archaeol-ogy, as academic subjects in light of the advancement of Linnaean systematic classification in botany and zoology.5 The perception and systematization of the natural world went through a paradigmatic shift as a result. Collections and the p…
Buku ini mengulas sejarah alam Gunungsewu berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari Pusat Penelitian Biologi (P2B-LIPI) yang telah 12 tahun melakukan kegiatan inventarisasi keanekaragaman hayati karst dan gua di Gunungsewu. Selain membahas aspek geologi, geomorfologi, hidrologi, dan speleologi, buku ini juga mengulas aspek hayati, baik yang ada di atas maupun di bawah permukaan. Kemudian tinjauan te…
This book is in no sense a diary of day-to-day travel. Only a single chapter is devoted to the account of the extraordinary journey which Captain[viii] Buchanan and his cinematographer, Mr. Glover, made from Kano in Nigeria to Touggourt in Algiers—a journey of over 3,500 miles through the great desert of Africa. Some idea of the hardships which they encountered may be gathered from the fact t…
If you ever read the letters of the pioneers who first settled in your locality when it was all a wilderness (and how recent was the time!), you will find them filled with discussion of the possibilities of getting a living and establishing a home there. Were there springs of good water there? Was there native pasturage for the animals? Was there fruit? 'Vas there fish? 'Vas there game? Was t…
Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn (1809-1864) heeft het belangrijkste deel van zijn leven gewijd aan het natuuronderzoek op Java. Tijdens zijn zwerftochten over dit eiland maakte hij aantekeningen, foto's en schetsen, die hij later verwerkte in zijn standaardwerk over Java. Rob Nieuwenhuys en Frist Jaquet hebben een selectie gemaakt van zijn reisverhalen, tekeningen en foto's. De complete serie gekleur…