Martin Luther King Jr. will always be remembered for his famous "I have a dream" speech, which he gave during the March on Washington in 1963. But his life before and after that big event, and his other enormous contributions to the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, largely go unspoken. In this biography, learn all about MLK - from his early family life and experiences in education, t…
Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing due to an early childhood illness and spent the first six years of her life unable to interact with other people. She remained isolated from the outside world until Anne Sullivan came to work as her teacher. In this biography for kids ages 8-12, learn all about Helen Keller's amazing life and achievements--how she learned to read Braille and speak, go to …
A sympathetic examination of the failure of anti-corruption efforts in contemporary Indonesia. Combining ethnographic fieldwork in the city of Kupang with an acute historical sensibility, Sylvia Tidey shows how good governance initiatives paradoxically perpetuate civil service corruption while also facilitating the emergence of new forms of it. Importing critical insights from the anthropology …
For decades, scholars of Indonesia have rejected the religious claims of the Darul Islam movement, interpreting the antagonism between the Islamic state and Soekarno’s republic as a fight for power, self-assertion, or land rights. Recently Kartosuwiryo and the Darul Islam have become heroic symbols of the local Islamist struggle, offering an alternative vision of this politician. The author l…
In Marx: A Very Short Introdution, Peter Singer identifies the central vision that unifies Marx's thought, enabling us to grasp Marx's views as a whole. He sees him as a philosopher primarily concerned with human freedom, rather than as an economist or a social scientist. In plain English, he explains alienation, historical materialism, the economic theory of Capital, and Marx's ideas of commun…
Dan sampailah buku ini di tangan Anda. Lalu apa? Seketika meletakkannya di rak buku? Sekadar membolak-balik halamannya? Atau membaca tulisan satu-dua penulis yang Anda kenal. Atau mungkin Anda membaca sedikit, seperempat, separuh, atau sebagian besar buku ini. Bagi Tempo Institute—barangkali juga bagi Garuda Indonesia dan GE, yang menjadi mitra kami tahun ini—semua pilihan itu sepenuhnya mi…
Mohandas K. Gandhi is one of the most inspiring figures of our time. In his classic autobiography he recounts the story of his life and how he developed his concept of active nonviolent resistance, which propelled the Indian struggle for independence and countless other nonviolent struggles of the twentieth century. In a new foreword, noted peace expert and teacher Sissela Bok urges us to ad…
Buku ini adalah edisi revisi dari seri ketiga Mencari Indonesia yang sebelumnya telah diterbitkan pada 2019. Edisi revisi ini diterbitkan melalui program akuisisi Penerbit BRIN agar menjangkau khalayak pembaca yang lebih luas. Sebagaimana tecermin dalam judulnya, seri ketiga ini berisi esai-esai yang ditulis pada masa pandemi Covid-19, yang tidak hanya merupakan isu kesehatan belaka, tetapi jug…
The underlying idea linking all contributions to this book is that multiple factors facilitate the emergence of programmatic political parties; they do not fit into a simple formula or a particular sequencing or hierarchy, and operate in ways that seem very contextual. Those influencing factors, as will be discussed further in the concluding chapter, can be categorized according to their facili…
Perekonomian di kawasan Singapura, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, dan Filipina dikendalikan hanya oleh segelintir konglomerat. Mereka dikenal sebagai godfather Asia. Pada 1990-an, mereka termasuk delapan dari 25 orang terkaya di dunia. Siapa sejatinya mereka? Dan bagaimana mereka bisa seperkasa itu? Nama mereka tak asing di telinga publik, namun sosok mereka misterius dan penuh selu…