Physiognomy and ekphrasis are two of the most important modes of description in antiquity and represent the necessary precursors of scientific description. The primary way of divining the characteristics and fate of an individual, whether inborn or acquired, was to observe the patient’s external characteristics and behaviour. This volume focuses initially on two types of descriptive literatur…
All AI applications rely on large datasets, to create algorithmic models, to trainthem, to run them over huge amounts of collected information and extract infer-ences, correlations, and new information for decision-making processes or otheroperations that, to some extent, replicate human cognitive abilities.These results can be achieved using a variety of different mathematical andcomputer-base…
Manuscripts originate from literacy practices embedded in numerous social domains, such as education, administration, religion and trade. Expressed in spoken and written languages, various social activities prompt the development of organising principles and structures, which in turn serve as models for the agents and participants of literacy practices. The…
Research efforts on how to repair radiation effects resulted from observations on radiation damage among survivors of the atomic bomb explosions in Japan (reviewed in van Bekkum and de Vries 1967). In 1949, Jacobson and colleagues discov-ered protection of mice from TBI by shielding their spleens with lead. Two years later, Lorenz and colleagues reported radiation prot…
The study of Roman urbanism – especially its early (Republican) phases – is extensively rooted in the evidence provided by a series of key sites, several of them located in Italy. Some of these Italian towns (e.g. Fregellae, Alba Fucens, Cosa) have received a great deal of scholarly attention in the past and they are routinely referenced as textbook examples, framing much of our understandi…
In a study of more than 60 substances chosen for their possible antikeratinogenic properties, Van Scott and Yu [1] found that the most effective drug belongs to the group of alpha-hydroxy acids. A three times a day application of citric, glycolic, lactic, malic, pyruvic and glucuronic acid, for instance, gave excellent results in all forms of ichthyosis except epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. The …
In 2018, CO2 emissions from fossil-based energy sources have reached another historical record, of about 37.1 tonnes of CO2 a year, with an even worse prognosis for 2019. After a small stabi-lizing period between 2015 and 2016, CO2 in the air has just been increasing approximately 1% each year despite that the share of renewable energies has been increasing worldwide. These figures outline the …