In an age of accelerating ecological crises, global inequalities and democratic fragility, it has become crucial to achieve renewed articulations of human commonality. With anchorage in critical theory as well as world literary studies, this volume approaches literature – and modes of literary thinking – as a key resource for such a task.
In the beginning, when the world was just fifty centim-eters long, there was Jeanne’s inquiring face. A five-year-old face, flush up against the months-old fragment I then was, my opaque little mole eyes fumbling across this earliest of landscapes, my sister’s face watching me. She smiles, I smile. I smile, she smiles. She gives me a quick slap, I cry, she smiles, I smi…
An essential teaching companion offering practical strategies for enhancing learning for all teachers of history in higher education. The study of the eighteenth century has been a growth area in university research and teaching in recent decades. Although widely taught in history departments, the eighteenth century also presents challenges, including new students’ unfamiliarity with the peri…
The global petrochemical industry is at a crossroads. As an essential modern industry but also a major polluter, it faces threats to its core business. Petro-chemicals surround us in thousands of everyday products, yet they pose health and climate risks across every stage of their lifecycle. On the eve of the covid-19 pandemic, the petrochemical industry was facing mounting public pres-sure t…
Absolute costadvantagescanplacecompetitors ata cost disadvantage, even if the scale of operations is similar for both firms. Such cost advantages can arise from an advanced position along the learning curve, where average costs decline as cumulative output rises over time. This differs from economies of scale, which involves the relationship between average costs and the output level per period…
This open access edited collection contributes a new dimension to the study of mental health and psychiatry in the twentieth century. It takes the present literature beyond the ‘asylum and after’ paradigm to explore the multitude of spaces that have been permeated by concerns about mental well-being and illness. The chapters in this volume consciously attempt to break down institutional wal…
Statues of ancient Egyptian rulers and their gods can be encountered in the grandiose galleries of the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Manhattan’s traffic-choked Fifth Avenue. More humble grave goods, excavated from tombs along the Nile, can be found in homemade cabinets in a South African barn at the end of a dirt track road. Several hundred artefacts made o…
We who are Tiverton born, though false ambition may have ridden us to market, or the world's voice incited us to kindred clamoring, have a way of shutting our eyes, now and then, to present changes, and seeing things as they were once, as they are still, in a certain sleepy yet altogether individual corner of country life. And especially do we delight in one bit of fine mental tracery, etc…