Translators bear a heavy responsibility. When Jerome translated the Greek logos into the Latin verbum in the Vulgate Bible, he set Western theology and philosophy on an errant path for well over a millennium. But we should not be too harsh on old Jerome; even the brilliant Erasmus flailed in the face of the polysemic Greek word when he attempted a L…
The Portuguese explorer Francisco Newton was one of thefirst naturalists todedicate almost one decade to the study of the outstanding diversity of the Gulf ofGuinea oceanic islands. The collections he made, in what was largely unexploredterritory for science, allowed the description of dozens of new species and began toreveal intriguing biogeographic patterns. Gazing at the species he was colle…
he CUIDAR project began as a response to a timely call by the European Commission’s Secure Societies theme within its Horizon 2020 programme for culturally sensitive disaster management plans. So we argued that children and young people should be considered as a cultural group whose perspectives and insights were overlooked in the adultist cultural worlds of emergency planning and disaster ri…
The creative spirit does not only live from the intern-alization of concepts, rules, practices, and concep-tions. To trigger the creative process, it needs to fantasize, idealize, ramble and harmonize.In the creative process, time is differential, and space is unifying. It can be said that time is memory and utopia; space is the real, the concrete, and the representation. A…