Libraries on the Agenda shows how to engage in lobbying and advocating for libraries. The book analyzes political elements of power, policy making and human values. Political decision makers from local communities up to the international level need to be convinced, why libraries need their support. This title has an international approach to advocacy and shows many international examples. It pr…
In recent decades, a flurry of excellent scholarship has described media and processes of mediation in increasingly expansive terms. Media, much of this work posits, is not only the specific technologies by which informa-tion is disseminated, but also any communicative conduit that conveys ideas or meaning between one place or person and another. As Lars Ellestr…
Translators bear a heavy responsibility. When Jerome translated the Greek logos into the Latin verbum in the Vulgate Bible, he set Western theology and philosophy on an errant path for well over a millennium. But we should not be too harsh on old Jerome; even the brilliant Erasmus flailed in the face of the polysemic Greek word when he attempted a L…
In the recent cultural heritage boom, community-based and national identity projects are intertwined with interest in cultural tourism and sites of the memory of enslavement. Questions of historical guilt and present responsibility have become a source of social conflict, particularly in multicultural societies with an enslaving past. This became apparent in the context of the Black Lives Matte…
From the hidden entrails of the National Security Agency to Silicon Valley,algorithms appear to hold the key to insidious transformations of social, po-litical, and economic relations. “‘Ad-tech” has become “Natsec-tech.” Potentialadversaries will recognize what every advertiser and social media companyknows: AI is a powerful targeting tool’, announced the Final Report by theUnited …
The effects of neurodegenerative diseases on speech are well known. Phonation, articulation, prosody and fluency are speech characteristics strongly affected by Parkinson’s Disease (PD) [1]. On the other hand, it is also well known that neuroacustical stimulation based on binaural beats may modify the brain activity measured in the cortex by…
This book makes the case for an urgent move away from industrial agriculture towards regenerative farming and the promotion of plant-based diets. How we produce, distribute and consume food are critical issues for the health and well-being of humans, animals and the environment. In order to develop a sustainable food system, this book argues for a radical change in farming and food consumption.…
Few studies have addressed recent emigration from European countries. The refu-gee crisis and migratory pressure have helped keep academic attention over the last few decades focused on immigration, asylum, reception and integration in Europe. However, these dynamics promoting entries into European countries coexist with other fairly significant dynamics promoting departures fro…
No city in the world is better covered by literature – fictional and non-fictional – than London. From Pepys, via Dickens, to Ackroyd, London has benefited from a series of talented historians, novelists and commentators who have provided detailed accounts of the city’s condition. In the past few years a new tranche of books has been published on the contemporary character of the…
Firstly, the focus in this framework is on planning for and adapting to socio-technical change of drinking water infrastructure. This assumes that any strategic planning of drinking water infrastructure needs to consider both the social and technical aspects in relation to each other, not in isolation. Drinking water infrastructure comprises physical elements like pipes and pumps, but they are …