Long recognized as one of the main branches of political science, political theory has in recent years burgeoned in many different directions. Close textual analysis of historical texts sits alongside more analytical work on the nature and normative grounds of political values. Continental and post-modern influences jostle with ones from economics, history, sociology, and the law. Feminist conc…
What is happening to perceptions of time, durability and reality in the 21th century? This anthology explores a diversity of uncommon insights about time, as seen from our historical and geographical standpoint. It sheds new light on how construction, perception and regulation of time influences a person’s whole being in the world, collectively and individually, in the short and long run, fro…
In recent years, the Dallas Museum of Art has expanded its collection of South Asian art from a small number of Indian temple sculptures to nearly 500 works, including Indian Hindu and Buddhist sculptures, Himalayan Buddhist bronze sculptures and ritual objects, artwork from Southeast Asia, and decorative arts from India’s Mughal period. Artworks in the collection have origins from the former…
The expansion of the so-called gig economy, where flexible patterns of employment prevail in contrast to permanent jobs, is causing numerous issues. The UK Government’s inquiry into Employment Practices in the Modern Economy is a much-neededinitiative in response to this trend: the number of self-employedworkers in Britain has increased by 1 million between …
Why did Yugoslavia fall apart? Was its violent demise inevitable? Did its population simply fall victim to the lure of nationalism? How did this multinational state survive for so long, and where do we situate the short life of Yugoslavia in the long history of Europe in the twentieth century? The Complete History of Yugoslavia by Marie-Janine Calic provides a concise, accessible, comprehensive…
History, genres, world cinemas, A-Z of directors, top 100 movies.
At the turn of the 2020s, identity seems to remain an omnipresent and somewhatunseizable term, serving different views in and outside academia, in politics,in everyday talk, in intellectual and popular jargon, as well as in the arts. While,currently, identitarian ideologies and essentialist notions of identity that tend tosimplify and reduce life experience to simple factors globally …
Sexual violence1 in all its forms, whether intra- familial, within institutions, an-onymous, or during conflicts, although frequent and widespread as can be seen in all the media reports, is a crime for which anecdotal accounts and scholarly reports seem to suggest that the victims in their great majority do not receive redress. It is a crime with high levels of attrition (Kelly, Lov…
Jeremy Bentham’s writings on Australia, new authoritative editions of which are now published in a volume entitled Panopticon versus New South Wales and other writings on Australia1 in The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham, have had a profound and enduring influence across a number of fields. For instance, according to the historian John Gascoigne, s…
When people talk about the ‘abortion question’, what they generally mean is something like this: how should we balance the protection of unborn human life against the rights and interests of a pregnant woman to control her own body? Possibly, they also have in mind a further important (but analytically distinct) issue: how should law (criminal or otherwi…