For a long time, teaching and learning were understood as activities tied to a particu-lar sense of place. Although various concepts had emerged, such as distance learning, e-learning, blended learning, and online learning, these mainly occurred in academic debates but were widely absent in pedagogical practices in higher education. The incisive developments during the COVID-19 pandemic …
Bekisar adalah unggas elok hasil kawin silang antara ayam hutan dan ayam biasa yang sering menjadi hiasan rumah orang-orang kaya. Dan, adalah Lasi, anak desa yang berayah bekas serdadu Jepang yang memiliki kecantikan khas - kulit putih, mata eksotis - membawa dirinya menjadi bekisar di kehidupan megah seorang lelaki kaya di Jakarta, melalui bisnis berahi kalangan atas yang tak disadarinya. Las…
Aku insinyur. Aku tak bisa menguraikan dengan baik hubungan antara kejujuran dan kesungguhan dalam pembangunan proyek ini dengan keberpihakan kepada masyarakat miskin. Apakah yang pertama merupakan manifestasi yang kedua? Apakah kejujuran dan kesungguhan sejatinya adalah perkara biasa bagi masyarakat berbudaya, dan harus dipilih karena keduanya merupakan hal yang niscaya untuk menghasilkan kema…
In a blog post on a recent trip to a Peruvia n monastery, Sa ra Salem recounts the moment she recognized Andalusia n tiles da ting from the era of Spa nish coloniza tion. Reflecting on this encounter with the lasting ma terial legacy of imperial expa nsion, she concludes tha t “[w]e could tell a nice story ... a bout how a rt travels a nd spreads a nd crosses bo…
Trauma in journalism is not a new phenomenon? From the battlefields to the city streets, humani-tarian crises to the courtrooms, trauma has plagued the profession whether directly or indirectly, vicariously or through lived experience, since the ink dried on the first newspaper sheets in 1566?A systematic review of studies conducted between 2010 and 2022 revealed significant numbers of journali…
"Islam exists in global history with its richly variegated cultural and social realities. When these specific cultural contexts are marginalized, Islam is reduced to an ahistorical religion without the ability to contribute to humanity. This limited understanding of Islam has been a contributing factor in many of the violent conflicts in the present day. Reflecting on Islam in Indonesia, the wo…
cursory glance at Dutch historiography as it stands today proves this point. Most recently, scholars have homed in on the particularly violent nature of decolonization and its so-called ‘extreme’ properties. On the one hand, this has been occasioned by the demands put forth by survivors and their relatives that former colonial empires reco…
E-book ini berisi tentang pengelompokan Aves.
In the blurb for his planned 20-volumeThe History of Persian Literature, thelate Ehsan Yarshater (1920–2018), a Nestor of Iranian Studies, characterisedPersian poetry as the jewel in the crown of Persian culture.1This is notan exaggeration; poetry plays a role in every domain of Persian culture. IfPersian culture is the body of Persian-speaking peoples, poetry is the soul,the stamina, and the…