The chapters do not explain everything there is to know about the Catholic faith. They cover the essentials, the basics. The Did You Know? articles give additional information that a well-informed Catholic should be aware of. They provide you with the answers to questions like “Why are the priest’s vestments (special clothing worn during Mass) different colors at different times of the year…
During the past 50 years, theological libraries have confronted secularisation and religious pluralism, along with revolutionary technological developments that brought not only significant challenges but also unexpected opportunities to adopt new instruments for the transfer of knowledge through the automation and computerisation of libraries. This book shows how European theological libraries…
Fishes make up more than half of the 55,000 species of living vertebrates. Along with this remarkable taxonomic diversity comes an equally impressive habitat diversity. Today, and in the past, fi shes have occupied nearly all major aquatic habitats, from lakes and polar oceans that are ice-covered through much of the year, to tropical swamps, temporary ponds, intertidal pools, ocean depths, and…
This book is for people interested in drawing cartoons, whether they’re novices unsure where to start or pros who want to improve their art or find better ways to market themselves. Every top-selling cartoonist in the world started out as a beginner. It takes time, practice, and some talent to become a successful cartoonist, but it also takes determination and the desire to stick to it until …
The catobolism of sugars is an oxidative process which results in the production of reduced pyridine nucleotides which must be reoxidized for the process to continue. Under aerobic conditions, reoxidation of reduced pyridine nucleotide occurs by electron transfer, via the cytochrome system, with oxygen acting as the terminal electron acceptor. However, under anaerobic conditions, reduced pyridi…
The world has produced enough food since the Second World War to feed itself despiterapid population growth, owing to extraordinary technological and institutional change.The rise in world food production, however, has been accompanied by unequal access tothat abundance, as well as soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, and growing water scar-cities. There have also been dramatic changes in th…
This patent landscape report provides an overview of international patent activity for animal genetic resources, in particular those relating to food and agriculture. The empirical analysis of patent activity for animal genetic resources for food and agriculture has received remarkably little attention in the scientific literature. Indeed, in conducting the present research we found no example …
Good nutrition and access to an adequate diet and health are essential for child growth and development, body maintenance and protection from both infectious and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in adult life. Adequate nutrition and a healthy productive population are increasingly recognized not only as resulting from but also as an important prerequisite for poverty reduction and economic and …
The soybean is far more than just a versatile crop whose derivatives serve the protein needs of a meatless diet. One of the world’s most important commodities, soy represents the embodiment of mechanised industrial agriculture and is one of the main actors behind the socioeconomic, political, and ecological transformations of industrial farming in several world regions. S…
Global warming is ushering us into a new mosquito epoch. Ready or not, mos-quitoes are coming faster than before, both indigenous and non-, human-biting and not, disease-carrying and sometimes–disease-carrying. What are we to do with these buzzing creatures, and what has been done with them so far? Usually perceived as a pest or at least as a nuisance, their mere presence often prompts us to …