South-South Cooperation (SSC) is both an old concept and a new idea, an old analysis and a new policy directive. Although the notion has existed for decades, it has grown in importance and function, especially since the early 2000s. It has transformed global economic structures, forcing us to redefine traditionally understood words, most notably “region” and “development.” It h…
A new edition of the handy, full-color atlas for managing ophthalmic disorders Featuring the clinical expertise of respected authorities in the field, the second edition of Color Atlas of Ophthalmology is a lavishly illustrated atlas designed to guide clinicians through the accurate diagnosis and appropriate management of the full range of ophthalmic disorders. For each disease or condition,…
Plastic surgery had its beginning nearly 3000 years ago, when Sushruta, an Indian surgeon, reconstructed the nose by transferring a flap of cheek and then forehead skin. It is a modern field, stimulated by the challenging reconstructive problems of the unfortunate victims of the World Wars. The advent of the operating microscope has thrust the plastic surgeon of today into the forefront of adva…
The world has produced enough food since the Second World War to feed itself despiterapid population growth, owing to extraordinary technological and institutional change.The rise in world food production, however, has been accompanied by unequal access tothat abundance, as well as soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, and growing water scar-cities. There have also been dramatic changes in th…