Behind all the food that we eat is a vast realm of unaccounted for interactions:the diversion of water from rivers; the extraction of nutrients from soil; thedischarge of pollutants to air and water; the exaction of labor to grow, manage,pick, and package; the release of carbon dioxide to transport and deliver; and soon. When we shine a light on these interactions it becomes clear that a 99¢ha…
This book includes two pages of reading and writing exercises for each of the four parts of every unit of Basic Mandarin Chinese Reading & Writing. The first section of the reading and writing exercises consists of three phrases or sentences for dictation. * You should listen to the corresponding section of the included disc and transcribe what you hear into Chinese characters. Since this is fo…
Ada banyak kendala dan tantangan yang ditemukan dalam pembangunan sektor ketenagalistrikan di wilayah perdesaan, terutama di beberapa wilayah di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Buku Akses Listrik dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat ini hadir untuk memberikan solusi terhadap berbagai kendala dan tantangan tersebut. Dengan fokus kajian di wilayah perdesaan terpencil di NTT, buku ini menjelaskan beberapa tantangan …
Tidak sedikit masyarakat yang menjadi korban penipuan berkedok investasi menggunakan bendera koperasi ataupun pinjaman online ilegal akibat kurangnya literasi keuangan ataupun akses pembiayaan ke perbankan. Di samping itu, tata kelola dan penegakan hukum sektor keuangan juga masih lemah. Maraknya kasus gagal bayar industri asuransi beberapa tahun belakangan menggambarkan masih rendahnya tingkat…
This publication deals with A Biblical Theology of Life based on the New Testament. It forms the second of a two volume publication on A Biblical Theology of Life. These two volumes trace the concept of life throughout Protestant canon, working with the final form of the biblical books in Hebrew (vol. 5) and Greek (vol. 6) Scripture. This is done by providing the reader with a book-by-book over…
There seems to be a perpetual interest in leadership studies. Although people are highly sceptical of leadership, many still believe that the solution to the world’s challenges and problems lies with leaders and new ideas about what leaders should do and how they can mobilise ‘others’ to solve the great challenges of our time. Notwithstanding the complexity o…
Yang mungkin bisa dicapai hari ini adalah, mengkritisi dan menyiasati keadaan agar dunia anak memiliki media alternatif. Dunia Tanpa Nyawa (rupa-rupa permainan anak-anak yang terekam dalam foto) karya Fauzie Helmy, menjadi salah satu alternatif yang patut disambut dengan gembira. -- Guruh Sukarno Putra / Budayawan, Politisi, Ketua Umum Yayasan Bung Karno Ini baru namanya kreativitas! Saya tidak…