I forget who first jokingly defined sculpture as something you bump into when you step back to look at a painting. I n any case, like most witticisms, this one contains a germ o f truth: both the general public and scholars pay more attention to painting than to sculpture. There are undoubtedly many reasons for this. We are a society geared to experiencing things on a flat plane rather than in …
In Medicine, the samples use to come from patients from whom a portion of tissue is extracted, which is called a biopsy. They also come from material obtained by surgical treatment (surgical specimens) and, of course, from people who have died of some type of disease and whose family authorizes the autopsy to be performed (clinical autopsy). Many of the studies are carried out using extensions …
Pada hakikatnya, moderasi beragama adalah pendekatan atau sikap yang menekankan pemahaman, toleransi, dan keseimbangan dalam menjalankan praktik keagamaan. Secara etimologi, moderasi adalah istilah dari bahasa Latin, yakni moderatio yang merujuk pada keadaan sedang yang merupakan kondisi di antara keadaan berlebihan atau kekurangan. Sesungguhnya jiwa dan nilai moderasi beragama sudah ada dan me…
Proses integrasi data pelayanan kesehatan yang lebih sederhana, nyatanya memiliki banyak tantangan. Banyaknya aplikasi kesehatan yang terbangun oleh pemerintah pusat, daerah, maupun pihak swasta menjadi tantangan dalam menuju integrasi sistem data kesehatan.Tantangan utama dalam membangun data kesehatan nasional adalah lebih dari 80% fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia saat ini belum te…
All examples in this grammar and all of the hieroglyphic exercises that conclude the lessons are based on sentences that occur in the extant corpus of Middle Egyptian literature. Often, however, I have simplified the original constructions or substituted vocabulary and phrases introduced in this book for the more diffuse material of the sources. Where writings were abbreviated, I have sometimes…
This boom in coal exports endangered Indonesia’s energy supply. To secure its national coal supply for power system, the government sets a Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) of USD 70/tonne, 3 times lower than the global price. There are also subsidies for other fossil fuels, such as the public fund’s allocation of IDR 77.5 trillion for subsidizing fuel oil and LPG in 2022. Due to such regula…
Open Access Musicology (OAM) publishes peer-reviewed, scholarly essays primarily intended to serve students and teachers of music history, ethno/musicology, and music studies. The constantly evolving collection ensures that recent research and scholarship inspires classroom practice. OAM essays provide diverse and methodologically transparent models for student research, and they introduce diff…
Lihatlah ke bintang-bintang di atas, bukan ke kakimu di bawah. Pahami apa yang kau lihat, dan bertanyalah tentang apa yang membuat Alam Semesta ini ada. Bertanyalah." - Stephen Hawking.
his book is a venture in the metaphysics of science, the exploration of the most basicfeatures of the world implied or presupposed by science. One of its main aims is todemonstrate the fundamental importance of such an investigation. Getting this verygeneral picture right makes a real difference to whether we do the science well andunderstand properly what it tells us. The particular metaphysic…
The digitisation boom of the last two decades, and the rapid advancement of digital tools to analyse data in myriad ways, have opened up new avenues for humanities research. This volume discusses how the so-called digital turn has affected the field of Jewish Studies, explores the current state of the art and probes how digital developments can be harnessed to address the specific questions, ch…