Aphotograph presents the bourgeois family idyll in Léopoldville. The father,sit-ting in an armchair in the foreground, dominates the livingroom scene. He iswearingawhiteshirt and tie, polished leather shoes and trousers withacreasein them. His elbowsresting on the arms of the chair,heisengrossed in theVoixdu Congolais,anewspaper for thevernacular elite published by theBelgian Con-go’sGeneral…
The way in which these six problems interact has far-reaching consequences for the day-to-day conduct of public affairs, the rights and freedoms of citizens and the legitimacy of the democratic system. The assessment points to the economic vulnerability of the lower middle class, due to the fragmentation of the labor market (formalityinformality, low-high productivity) and the segmentation of …
Humans are a walking species. We tread on the surface of the Earth. Without this primary mobility we would not be here and even when other means of getting around have become accessible, we don’t cease to walk. Our walking leaves traces. This is inevitable. No culture or civilisation or society can escape from this primordial mark-making. Some of these traces cluster and congregate into patte…
Open Access to the results of scientific research brings promising and democratic solutions to enlighten citizens. It may contribute to upgrade the quality of scientific information and to raise the level of ac-ceptance of common scientific representations amongst the population. However, this is far from being systematic: in the same time when huge scientific progress enabled the making of a v…
Czerny’s closeness to Beethoven, and his extraordinary musical abilities, have tendedto encourage confidence in him as a reliable source of information about Beethoven’sexpectations for the performance of his music. But despite his obvious reverence forBeethoven’s works, closer scrutiny suggests that he adopted a progressive rather thancuratorial position towards them: perhaps his concern…
With these cautions in mind—against positing a transcendent idea of academic freedom—I have written the present book. It discloses debates in which mutually exclusive ideas about academic freedom are in play. These debates have not achieved closure; the history of academic freedom is an accumulation of uncertainties. This approach difers from that of most commentators on acade…
Composer, pianist, editor, writer, and pedagogue Mario Lavista (1943-2021) was a central figure of the cultural and artistic scene in Mexico and one of the leading Ibero-American composers of his generation. His music is often described as evocative and poetic, noted for his meticulous attention to timbre and motivic permutation, and his creative trajectory was characterized by its intersection…
This book has three main aims which are surprising only in terms of how little has been done previously to fulfil them. In 2011 Miller published a book called Tales From Facebook.1 As the title suggests, that book consisted mainly of stories about how people, as it happens people in Trinidad, used Facebook, and the consequences of Facebook for their lives.In retrospect there wer…
For a long time, teaching and learning were understood as activities tied to a particu-lar sense of place. Although various concepts had emerged, such as distance learning, e-learning, blended learning, and online learning, these mainly occurred in academic debates but were widely absent in pedagogical practices in higher education. The incisive developments during the COVID-19 pandemic …
For some time, narratives and projects aimed at improving and diversifying economic activities in Timor-Leste have been the leitmotivs of a number of development programs. Framing such endeavours are several assumptions about Timor-Leste’s economy, namely, that it is unproductive, weak and unfair; that most of it is made up of subsistence agriculture benefitt…