In classical accounts of economic development, economic growth is seen to beaccompanied by a decline in informal employment.¹ Yet, in most developingcountries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia and less so in EastAsia and Latin America, informal forms of economic activity remain a persis-tent phenomenon in spite of rapid economic growth in recent decades (Kanbur2017). Informal …
For some time, narratives and projects aimed at improving and diversifying economic activities in Timor-Leste have been the leitmotivs of a number of development programs. Framing such endeavours are several assumptions about Timor-Leste’s economy, namely, that it is unproductive, weak and unfair; that most of it is made up of subsistence agriculture benefitt…
Pesticides are today the subject of considerable environmental issues. This work presents the outcome of fifteen years of research financed by the French Ministry of Ecology on the reduction in environmental risks from using pesticides. It emphasises especially the transfer of results to support public decisions.
In Medicine, the samples use to come from patients from whom a portion of tissue is extracted, which is called a biopsy. They also come from material obtained by surgical treatment (surgical specimens) and, of course, from people who have died of some type of disease and whose family authorizes the autopsy to be performed (clinical autopsy). Many of the studies are carried out using extensions …