In history, there are both periods of relative stability and critical nodal points, when specific turns of events and choices have an impact on which path the next phase of history will take (for the concept of nodal point, see Bhaskar 1986, 217 and Patomäki 2006, 9–18; for world-historical examples of counterfactual turning points, see Tetlock et al. 2006). A r…
Global Perspectives on Leadership in Early Childhood Education aims to improve leadership and management in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) settings through research evidence. Written for a wide audience, including the academic community, policymakers, practitioners, teachers, directors, and professionals, the book provides knowledge and tools to enhance the ECEC sector. Divided into …
Music practices, understood as activities connected to humanly organized sound, extend beyond enclosed spaces both physically and metaphorically, crossing borders of all kinds. When they cross the borders of national states and create stable networks among musicians, fans, people involved in the music business, etc., they can be considered transnational. Cen…