When the Immediations book series at Open Humanities Press was launched, it was done with Gilles Deleuze’s concept of the intercessor1 in mind. We were looking for a way to give voice to a kind of collaboration that would work from within the weave of research and writing, a collaboration that would give texture to a voice (or a multiplicity of voice) toward a conversation to come. A conversa…
While virtual heritage was initially described as a fusion of virtual reality (VR) technology with cultural heritage content (Addison 2001; Roussou 2002), as VR keeps changing, preservation of the content becomes increasingly problematic. Virtual heritage has been a (sometimes) successful communication medium but seldom has it succeeded as a preservation medium (Champion 2016).Even the term …
An argument for simplicity from the best-selling authors of Profit from the Core. Is radical reinvention the key to winning in today’s fast-paced world? Not judging by the results of some of the world’s best-performing companies. In Repeatability, Chris Zook and James Allen - leaders of Bain & Company’s influential Strategy practice - warn that complexity is a silent killer of profitab…
In 2016, NASA took on a new responsibility: defending our planet from devastating impacts by asteroids and comets that approach the Earth, or near-Earth objects. That event, which followed the prominent Chelyabinsk meteor explosion in 2013, reflected a growing interest in, and concern about, the threat of celestial impacts. In ancient times, the solar system’s small bodies—asteroids and com…
Advancing our understanding of irregular migration in Europe as well as in other settings depends on challenging the limitations of existing research paradigms: existing theories built on limited variation in contexts of reception and a simplified conceptualization of irregularity cannot satisfactorily explain irregular migration and its consequences in Europe. This book will …
If we follow the above definitions, then virtual heritage is not only the bringing together of virtual reality technology with cultural heritage content, it is also an experiential medium. However, that experience is based on the recreating or reconstructing of data, measurements, and observations. Virtual heritage is a fascinating and challenging area of practice and research, but …
This report, published by the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR), has been written entirely by humans. Likewise, we expect that advisory reports like this one will continue to be written by humans. The same applies to the larger part of journalism, despite what the introductory quote might suggest. In fact, it later became apparent that humans had indeed written m…
“There’s probably no better sport than Formula E to present and study the science and practice of innovation within (motor)sport, and this book is a must read for those active within this fascinating area”. - Dr. Kristof de Mey, Sports Technology, Innovation & Business Developer at Ghent University, Belgium This book provides novel insights on management innovation and sustainability in m…
Dalam survei ini tidak dijumpai individu orangutan secara langsung, hanya indikasi keberadaannya berdasarkan sarang yang ditinggalkan. Indikasi keberadaan Orangutan tersebut, hanya dijumpai pada kawasan hutan di blok Air Hitam, sementara pada kawasan hutan blok Kendawangan tidak dijumpai indikasi keberadaannya baik dari sarang, suara maupun informasi dari masyarakat. Temuan 4 sarang Orangutan y…