Tahun 1950-an adalah masa di mana negara Indonesia baru terbentuk. Kondisi ekonomi dan politik negara yang masih karut-marut saat itu menyebabkan kehidupan sosial masyarakat belum stabil. Keadaan itu sedikit banyak memberikan dampak dalam perkembangan kesusastraan di Indonesia. Buku ini memberikan gambaran mengenai kondisi perpuisian di Indonesia pada tahun 1950-an yang disebut sebagai periode …
In the hinterland of Kalimantan there was a village called Uteh Village, which was said to be located not far from Melawai River, in such a scenic plain. On the outskirts of the village, there was a simple house where an elderly widow and her two daughters lived. The eldest daughter’s name was Tima, while the youngest one’s name was Numa. The elderly widow’s name was Ma Kili, or that was …
Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Bima, there was a Sultanate ruled by a king named Sultan Salehudin. Sultan Salehudin reigned with wisdom. Therefore, his people loved him very much. He was still young, good-looking, and strong. Nevertheless, the king had not thought of getting himself a queen. If only he had wanted to, it would not have been difficult, since there were many noble princesses …