Tahun 1950-an adalah masa di mana negara Indonesia baru terbentuk. Kondisi ekonomi dan politik negara yang masih karut-marut saat itu menyebabkan kehidupan sosial masyarakat belum stabil. Keadaan itu sedikit banyak memberikan dampak dalam perkembangan kesusastraan di Indonesia. Buku ini memberikan gambaran mengenai kondisi perpuisian di Indonesia pada tahun 1950-an yang disebut sebagai periode …
There was once a boy named Ijo who lived with his grandmother, Nana Tupu, in Kampung Tanjung Babia, Mandar Pattae. When he was five, his parents set off for the Island of Borneo, leaving him behind. Ijo was much too young to remember any of it and he had never once asked Nana Tupu about his parents’ whereabouts. Though it was usually just the two of them, Ijo was never lonely. And neither was…
Ainun and Aida were two teenage girls who lived in Desa Sempalang, north Sulawesi. From the time they were children, the two were inseparable. As fate would have it, they were born on the same day and so both Ainun's mother and Aida's mother thought it would be fitting to give their daughters very similar names. They agreed to name one baby Ainun and the other Aida. Although they were not siste…
One day, alongside the tweets of the birds, the morning looked a bit flawless. The people around the kingdom were still falling asleep. At the bench on the terrace in front of his palace, there remained Ahwanda Jaya, sitting down and gazing at very thoughtfully. In that palace, he lived with his father and younger sister. His mind wandered. He recalled his mother, Queen Pani, who had just pas…