This book focuses on returned former child soldiers of the so-called Lord’s Re-sistance Army (LRA) in northern Uganda, and their reintegration into public, occu-pational and family life. In the last chapter (chapter5), we will compare their history and present situation with that of ex-rebels in the neighboring region of West Nile, and discuss the instructive similarities and differ…
Imagination bzw.Einbildungskraft bezeichnetdie Fähigkeit,Ideen und Bildersowohl im Geiste alsauch mit HilfevonMedien zu kreieren.¹Zentral ist dabei diementaleund durch Medien wie z. B. Bilder, Karten undTexte materialisierteVi-sualisierungvonetwas hier und jetzt (noch) nicht Präsentem odervonetwas, dassich möglicherweise niemals realisieren wird. Imaginationen sindkeine irrealenHirngespinst…
This book discusses disciplinary struggles in education from three perspectives. The chapters in the first section analyse the disciplinary character of educational practice and institutions. The second section focuses on justification of educational knowledge in transmission between theory and practice. The contributions of the third section problematise the aims and functions of educational p…