This book sets out with a programmatic agenda to find new ways of “speaking for the social” in projects of technical and infrastructural change. It takes as its starting point the ongoing challenge of com-munication between scholars in the social sciences and humanities who study the social dimensions of technical and infrastructure projects, and those working in engineering and policy who …
The research landscape in the area of forecasting and assessing working conditionshas become increasingly difficult to understand. There are plenty of identifiedreasons, drivers and catchwords to describe a systemic transformation. Individual-and subject-specific approaches to describe and understand the changes to work arebeing developed in almost every scientific discipline, as well as by (ec…
A visit to a town in the north-west of England 200 years ago would have been anassault on the senses. Though some parts of Liverpool, in particular, experiencedwidespread‘improving’measures from the mid-eighteenth century onwards, in themajority of other places (and indeed throughout significant parts of Liverpool too)it was not until the extensive street-widening schemes of the nineteenth …
The history of early modern medicine often makes for depressing reading. It implies that people fell ill, took ineffective remedies, and died. A few snippets from Roy and Dorothy Porter’s classic study, In Sickness and in Health, encapsulate this pes-simism: they speak of the ‘universal sickness, suffering, and woe’ of the early mod-ern past, a time in which ‘people died like f…
Melalui komik ini, terbukalah jalan menuju kisah kebudayaan China klasik. Inilah buku yang menceritakan kisah Laozi -orang bijak pada zaman kuno- dan Daodejing-nya dalam penjelasan yang mudah dipahami. Dengan format komik dan ilustrasi yang menarik, Anda akan lebih mudah memahami arti dan pengaruh Dao dan De tanpa kehilangan esensi pokok ajarannya.
We are inspired by and support UCL’s programme to liberate the curriculum alongside other programmes with similar aims. Women are too often excluded in the history of science, and this book aims to recover the voices, works and experiences of women in the production of knowledge through primary sources. This book offers university lecturers and tutors a diverse range of …
In all my reading of Bunyan, what has gripped me most is his sufering and how he responded to it—what it made of him, and what it might make of us. All of us come to our tasks with a history and many predispositions. I come to John Bunyan with a growing sense that sufering is a normal, useful, essential, and God-ordained element in Christian life and ministry—not only for the sake of weanin…