This part locates the research enterprise in several contexts. It commences with positivist and scientific contexts of research and then proceeds to show the strengths and weaknesses of such traditions for educational research. As an alternative paradigm, the cluster of approaches that can loosely be termed interpretive, naturalistic, phenomenological, interactionist and ethnographic are broug…
London is by turns cutting edge and ancient, refined and gritty, and the streets of this city of contrasts are lined with idiosyncratic and beautiful architechture. This book describes over 50 key structures in authoritive and compelling style. The accompanying illustrations press out of the page, transforming your book into a cityspace to treasure and display.
This is a book that I wrote when I was heartbroken. I’d imagine that’s how many books get made. We lose something we love and it seems natural to try to reconstruct it mulling over memories, sorting through missteps, bleeding our expired hopes and habits onto paper, hoping some part of what we’ve loved will still be salvageable. If only I can make this pain pretty, we tell ourselves,…
"Reach into this trickbox of memory and rummage around: you may find a tiny spaceship, or perhaps a signpost, a parade, a raised fist, an entire museum. The essays in Trickbox of Memory: Essays on Power and Disorderly Pasts draw on literary criticism, post-qualitative inquiry, new materialism, and political activism to dismember and reanimate the field of memory studies. In the trickbox, concep…
This ebook stands at an intersection of science and art. From its origins, NASA has studied our planet in novel ways, using ingenious tools to study physical processes at work—from beneath the crust to the edge of the atmosphere. We look at it in macrocosm and microcosm, from the flow of one mountain stream to the flow of jet streams. Most of all, we look at Earth as a system, examining the c…
She wrote political pamphlets in the 1790s, opposing Britain's declaration of war against France, defending democratic government and popular education, and campaigning for the repeal of the Test Acts that had long excluded Nonconformist Protestants (those who would not subscribe, as a "test" of their loyalty, to the thirty-nine Articles of the Established Church) from the public life of the na…
In The US, school boards, doctors, parents, and citizens have two options when it comes to vaccination: compulsion or persuasion. People are com-pelled to vaccinate largely through laws and policies that restrict access to essential sites and spaces—namely, schools and jobs—on the basis of vaccina-tion status. As James Colgrove and others have observed, histor…
Accounting for a substantial amount of economic activity in the United States, not-for-profits are an undeniable force in the business world, even though their focus on goals other than profit falls outside the traditional model of a for-profit business. But it is this shift away from a focus on profit that allows them to pursue missions of social improvement and contributions to society as a w…
This was in 1920. They returned, Clifford and Constance, to his home, Wragby Hall, the family ‘seat’. His father had died, Clifford was now a baronet, Sir Clifford, and Constance was Lady Chatterley. They came to start housekeeping and married life in the rather forlorn home of the Chatterleys on a rather inadequate income. Clifford had a sister, but she had departed. Otherwise there were n…
Trust Works! Empat Kunci untuk Membangun Hubungan yang Abadi. Ken Blanchard menerapkan perumpamaan kisah seekor kucing dan seekor anjing ke dunia nyata. Kedua binatang tersebut punya masalah dalam membangun hubungan. Namun, Ken mengungkapkan sebuah Model ABCD Kepercayaan dan menggunakannya untuk menyampaikan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan perselisihan, termasuk moral yang rendah, kesalahan k…