In World War II, during the German occupation of Norway (AD 1940 – 1945), the German occu-pational forces established an airfield in the central parts of Ørland. The main part of the airfield was located at Vik. After the war, the Norwegian Air Force developed the airfield as a base for F16 jet fighters (Hovd 2004). In 2012, the Norwegian Parliament decided on investing in a…
On the outskirts of Oslo, there is a clearing in the woods. The tall trees that once grew here were felled in 2014, leaving a sharp border between the dark forest and the open space [figure 1]. In this clearing, a new gener-ation of Norwegian spruce is growing. The young trees are marked by red ribbons and, after growing for a hundred years, these trees will be felled, transformed into paper, a…
Robert Langdon, profesor simbologi dan ikonologi agama Universitas Harvard, tiba di Museum Guggenheim yang supermodern untuk menghadiri pengumuman besar tentang penemuan yang “akan mengubah dunia sains.” Tuan rumah acara malam hari itu adalah Edmond Kirsch, seorang miliuner dan Futuris berusia empat puluh tahun. Kirsch adalah sosok yang terkenal di seluruh dunia, berkat penemuan-penemuan te…