Mencari bahagia DI Indonesia, nama Pastor James "Jim" Martin, S.J. mulai dikenal publik berkat buku-bukunya yang masuk dalam daftar best seller koran beken The New York Times. Antara lain, My Life With the Saints (2006), The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything (2010), Jesus: A Pilgrimage (2014). Sebelum buku-buku tersebut terbit, sudah lebih dulu ada beberapa buku tenar lain termasuk buku In…
Ruždija Russo Sejdovi?’s poem, originally written in Romani, is trans-lated into Serbo-Croatian,1 German, and English (see the print of all four versions following these introductory words) and shows the importance of translations for the circulation of literary works, as many Romani lit-erary works remain hidden from people in the majority society.2In the context of post-colonialis…
Climate change and environmental pollution are among the greatest health threats affecting the planet, human-ity and biodiversity. This is recognised in the 2030 United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes an urgent call for action from all sectors. The entire oral healthcare community, including clinical professionals and industry, recognises that we have …
This masterly account of Leonardo da Vinci and his vision of the world has long been recognized as the classic treatment of the Renaissance giant, offering unparalleled insight into Leonardo's intellect and vision at every stage of his artistic career. Martin Kemp, one of the world's leading authorities on Leonardo, takes us on a mesmerizing journey through the whole span of the great man's li…
Near-death experiences offer a glimpse not only into the nature of death but also into the meaning of life. They are not only useful tools to aid in the human quest to understand death but are also deeply meaningful, transformative experiences for the people who have them. In a unique contribution to the growing and popular literature on the subject, philosophers John Martin Fischer and Benj…
The global production of plastics continues to increase year on year, with 460 million tonnes produced in 2019 (OECD 2022). This is likely to increase, with projections from a business-as-usual scenario predicting a threefold increase in the amount of plastics use, waste, and cumulative presence in aquatic environments (OECD 2022). The most recent …
Surveying the major facts, concepts, theories, and speculations that infuse our present comprehension of time, the Encyclopedia of Time: Science, Philosophy, Theology, & Culture explores the contributions of scientists, philosophers, theologians, and creative artists from ancient times to the present. By drawing together into one collection ideas from scholars around the globe and in a wide ran…
In 1925 a rare type of building made its appearance in the literary world: a house entirely constructed of glass, prefabricated yet individualized, light but stable, flat-roofed but with walls which changed colour according to the surrounding land-scape. The cavity walls allowed for the movement of water – warm in winter-time and cold in summer-time – which generated a co…
From one of the most admired admirals of his generation—and the only admiral to serve as Supreme Allied Commander at NATO—comes a remarkable voyage through all of the world’s most important bodies of water, providing the story of naval power as a driver of human history and a crucial element in our current geopolitical path. From the time of the Greeks and the Persians clashing in th…
The creation of—or even the existence of—a “Pacific World” is a question that has preoccupied scholars to a much greater degree than existential doubts have bothered historians of other oceanic basins. Economic historian Eric Jones and colleagues have written that “there can be no meaningful history ofthe whole Rim or Basin [ofthe Pacific] since there…