The leading text on human physiology for more than four decades?enhanced by all new video tutorials A Doody’s Core Title for 2024 & 2022! For more than four decades, Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology has been helping those in the medical field understand human and mammalian physiology. Applauded for its interesting and engagingly written style, Ganong’s concisely covers every impo…
When Jason Hanson joined the CIA in 2003, he never imagined that the same tactics he used as a CIA officer for counter intelligence, surveillance, and protecting agency personnel would prove to be essential in every day civilian life. In addition to escaping handcuffs, picking locks, and spotting when someone is telling a lie, he can improvise a self-defense weapon, pack a perfect emergency …
Chinese intellectuals like to blame things on institutions. After all, Chinese people areindustrious, prudent, and entrepreneurial. Yet modern Chinese history since theopium war has been characterized by one humiliation after another, and althoughthe founding of communist China gave the country independence, it came at the costof being self-isolated from the world and having a poor economy. Wha…
The Black Dog of Hanging Hills, the Tommyknockers of Pennsylvania, the Banshee of the Badlands?these beasts and hundreds more will hold you spellbound, unable to look away from their frightful features and their extraordinary stories. Come face to face with modern-day dinosaurs, extraterrestrials, dragons, lizard men, giants, and flying humanoids. This illustrated collection includes more than …
Historically, Americans have seen libertarians as far outside the mainstream, but with the rise of the Tea Party movement, libertarian principles have risen to the forefront of Republican politics. But libertarianism is more than the philosophy of individual freedom and unfettered markets that Republicans have embraced. Indeed, as Jason Brennan points out, libertarianism is a quite different--a…
Ini bukan tentang penyakit kanker dramatis, seperti buku "berdasarkan kisah nyata" pada umumnya. Kisah ini mengenai aku, Esther Earl, yang mengidap penyakit yang cukup menakutkan bernama Kanker Tiroid. Namun, bahkan lebih dari itu, kisah ini adalah tentang pengalaman yang mengubah hidup seorang gadis.
Beaver. Moose. Caribou. Think “animal” in Canada, and these and other iconic creatures of the Canadian wilderness are sure to come first to mind. Yet Canada has become increasingly urban since Confederation, to the extent that more than 80 per cent of the population today is considered to live in an urban setting.1 That urban identity has shaped profoundly…
This open access book is a compilation of selected papers from 2023 DigitalFUTURES — The 5nd International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2023). The work focuses on novel techniques for computational design and robotic fabrication. The contents make valuable contributions to academic researchers, designers, and engineers in the industry. As well, readers will…
This book systematically analyzes how and why China has expectedly lost and then surprisingly gained ground in the quest to solve the complicated environmental problem of air pollution over the past two decades. Yuan Xu shines a light on how China’s sulfur dioxide emissions rose quickly in tandem with rapid economic growth but then dropped to a level not seen for at least four decades. Despit…
Susu dan madu ini berisi kisah pengantar tidur bagi teman-teman kecil penuh imajinasi. Mulai dari perjuangan Arlo dan Arno untuk mencari makan, bertemu dengan Ding si Hamster dan Dong si Tikus, bermain bersama peduduk kota Travelfuge, hingga petualangan Tata menjelajah perut Gembul yang menimbulkan pertikaian diantara persahabatan mereka, serta puluhan cerita menarik lainnya yang siap diceritak…