May 2020. As we write this introduction, the covid-19 pandemic has covered the world. Drastic political measures to contain the virus have followed, appearing already belated and inadequate even as they envision a future after the current crisis. With notable national and regional differences, the policies and practices implemented to deal with the spread of the virus act like magnif…
Lakes are interconnected with other water resources. Lakes receive much of their water from streams and ground water. Wetlands adjacent to the lakes, or connected to lakes by streams, often serve as spawning grounds for fish and habitat for diverse species of plants and animals. Protection of all of these natural resources as a whole is vital to the protection of lakes. A complex interdependenc…
Archaeological findings have indicated that Southern Africa is the land from which humankind’s ancestors evolved, between 3 million and 1 million years ago. Indeed, it is probable that the indigenous San, Pygmy, and Khoekhoe peoples of Southern Africa are linked genetically to that earlier, ancient population. Little, if anything, is known about interaction among these particular early group…
Herbs in antiquity touch on so many aspects of human activity that the advice of classicists, botanists, horticulturalists, linguists, medical historians, physicians, and sociologists has been essential. The first Getty Museum publication on the subject was The Herb in Antiquity written in 1976 by Deborah Ashin in response to the interest of visitors. My great appreciation and gratitude go to J…
When we began compiling household tips around our kitchen table almost 25 years ago, we never dreamed we could turn our hints into a book series and help so many folks save time and money. "Hey, did you know that eggs lst longer when they're stored upside down?" turned into thousands of tips, hints, and advice to help solve problems the second they spring up and make life just a little bit easier.