In 1909, the book Reinforced Concrete in Europe by Albert Ladd Colby (1860–1924) was pub-lished with the aim of disseminating in the USA the advances in reinforced concrete made in each of the European countries at that time. Besides introducing the main systems, types of reinforcement bars and their applications, the work describes an intermediate phase of a para-digm shift in…
This is the motto of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Office for Astronomy Outreach. If “All” is a very vast term to define society and its communities, “Astronomy” as a body of knowledge is also similarly vast. This project, “Big Ideas in Astronomy”, explores the issue: “What should science-educated citizens know about astronomy?” As a result of several discussion…
‘All right, so here we are in front of the elephants.’ This is the opening sentence of the first video ever uploaded to YouTube.1 What started in 2005 as an online platform for the upload of ‘homemade videos’ and the sharing of ‘ordinary people’s lives’ quickly became the nucleus of an intricate web of audiovisual interactions that reached through and beyond cyberspace. The year 2…
The creative spirit does not only live from the intern-alization of concepts, rules, practices, and concep-tions. To trigger the creative process, it needs to fantasize, idealize, ramble and harmonize.In the creative process, time is differential, and space is unifying. It can be said that time is memory and utopia; space is the real, the concrete, and the representation. A…
The texts presented in Proportion Harmonies and Identities (PHI) Time and Space were compiled to establish a multidisciplinary platform for presenting, interacting, and disseminating research. It also aims to foster awareness and discussion on Time and Space, focusing on different visions relevant to Architecture, Arts and Humanities, Design and Social Sciences, and its importance and benefits …
Europe has a long history of urbanisation, with the first cities dating back some 8,000 years. While the formal means of decision-making (if any) used to shape the form of these settlements are lost in the mists of time, it is highly likely that from the earliest times some form of control was enacted on where and how people could build. Inadvertent controls would certainly have di…
Let’s start with the basic concept, the notion of system itself. There were andstillarecountlessdefinitionsof“system”.Wedonotlistthemhereortryacom-prehensive categorization of those notions. For our purpose at this point, weonly need reflect on what a system is.That is the question: what is a system?The first answer that may come to our minds is a unit.When something iscalled a system,the…