Why do people come to reject climate science or the safety and efficacy of vaccines, in defiance of the scientific consensus? A popular view explains bad beliefs like these as resulting from a range of biases that together ensure that human beings fall short of being genuinely rational animals. This book presents an alternative account. It argues that bad beliefs arise from genuinely rational p…
Hackers are shrouded in a cloud of mystery, and most people don't understand who they are, what they do, how they do it, and what motivates them. As a network security engineer, I want to reveal the mysterious world of hackers to beginners so you can get your feet wet hacking. Not only will I teach you the background of hacking, but I will also expose you to some of the latest software and even…
Penulis buku terlaris, Joel Osteen, menawarkan 90 hari inspirasi untuk menolong orang meraih potensi penuh mereka. Dalam buku terlarisnya Your Best Life Now, Joel Osteen menjamin kita kembali bahwa menjalani kehidupan yang penuh potensi itu ada dalam jangkauan kita. Ia berbicara tentang memperbesar visi kita, menyadari kuasa pikiran dan kata-kata kita, dan mengubah kesukaran menjadi kesempatan…
This book explores what’s happening to ways of seeing urban spaces in the contemporary moment, when so many of the technologies through which cities are visualized are digital. It is by no means comprehensive. Its chapters all explore specif ic examples of different kinds of digital technologies and examine different sorts of images in different cities: many other technologies, images and cit…
This open access edited book attempts to break new ground in investigating multiple facets of Vietnamese language, education and change in global contexts, engaging with global Vietnam through complex lenses of language and education. Issues of language, globalization, and global identities have often been framed through the lens of hierarchical/binary power relations, and/or through a dichotom…
Although Victorian studies have long explored the seismic impact of On the Origin of Species (1859) on nineteenth-century culture, Charles Darwin’s text did not have an immaculate conception. The product of post-Enlightenment thought, Origin exerted considerable influence on post-1859 debates about the order of life and being well into the twentieth and twenty-first ce…
Questions of responsibility arise at all levels of health care. Most prominent has been the issue of patient responsibility. Some health conditions that risk death or serious harm are partly the result of lifestyle behaviours such as smoking, lack of exercise, or extreme sports. Are patients with such conditions responsible for them? If so, might healthcare providers, be they state-run systems …
rantor, on the one hand, can be understood as the Empire in its most unbridled form, colonising and governing all surrounding worlds and extracting from them what the Empire required for its own inhabitants. This intensity was matched only by the sheer precarity it dealt, leading to a coup staged by rebel leader Gilmer, displacing Trantor and the imperial family. Over time it was the farmers, …
Archaeological findings have indicated that Southern Africa is the land from which humankind’s ancestors evolved, between 3 million and 1 million years ago. Indeed, it is probable that the indigenous San, Pygmy, and Khoekhoe peoples of Southern Africa are linked genetically to that earlier, ancient population. Little, if anything, is known about interaction among these particular early group…
The same God who leads us to green pastures guides us through the valleys. #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen shares how all things are working for your good. All of us will go through times that we don't understand: a difficulty with a friend, an unfair situation at work, a financial setback, an unexpected illness, a divorce, or the loss of a loved one. Those types of experience…