I have touched down in the Star Wars franchise on several occa-sions to illustrate a historical paradox I once dared name “Nazi Psychoanalysis.”1 Let me say right off that this study will not look more closely at the Star Wars movies.2 Instead, it will explore a terrain between the science fiction and fantasy genres that the success of George Lucas’s 1977 film illuminated and …
The human mind is capable of entertaining an astounding range of thoughts. These thoughts are composed of concepts or ideas, which are the building blocks of thoughts. This book is about where all of these concepts come from and the psychological structures that ultimately account for their acquisition. We argue that the debate over the origins of concepts, known as the rationalism-empiricism d…
This user-friendly book is aimed at helping students of Mandarin Chinese learn and remember Chinese characters. At last--there is a truly effective and enjoyable way to learn Chinese characters! This book helps students to learn and remember both the meanings and the pronunciations of over 800 characters. This otherwise daunting task is made easier by the use of techniques based on the psych…
ASTRONOMI DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN RUANG ANGKASA ( Halaman 1-284) Bagian ini membahas tentang jagad raya dan seluk beluknya, mulai dari langit, rahasia di ruang angkasa yaitu fenomena seperti bintang hantu dan kuasar, matahari dan benda-benda langit yang membentuk tata surya, cara astronot mempersiapkan diri ke ruang angkasa, hingga tentang kemungkinan kehidupan di planet lain dan tentang piring …