Since the last decades of the twentieth century, most coun-tries, including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, have beenseeking to transform their economies from depending onprimary natural resources to a knowledge-based one, pro-viding a permanent source for economic growth, and thusachieving sustainable development, and helping in diversi-fying the national economic framework, and multiplyingincome…
Penelitian arkeologis yang dilakukan Australian National University – seperti dikemukakan Matthew Spring dalam tulisannya, "Recent Advances in Our Knowledge of Molucca's Earliest History"1 –mengungkapkan bahwa Maluku telah didiami manusia sejak zaman es (pleestocene), sekurang-kurangnya 30.000 tahun lalu. Ketika itu, Maluku merupakan kawasan kritis yang menjadi mata rantai penghubung antar…