Since the last decades of the twentieth century, most coun-tries, including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, have beenseeking to transform their economies from depending onprimary natural resources to a knowledge-based one, pro-viding a permanent source for economic growth, and thusachieving sustainable development, and helping in diversi-fying the national economic framework, and multiplyingincome…
cursory glance at Dutch historiography as it stands today proves this point. Most recently, scholars have homed in on the particularly violent nature of decolonization and its so-called ‘extreme’ properties. On the one hand, this has been occasioned by the demands put forth by survivors and their relatives that former colonial empires reco…
Penelitian arkeologis yang dilakukan Australian National University – seperti dikemukakan Matthew Spring dalam tulisannya, "Recent Advances in Our Knowledge of Molucca's Earliest History"1 –mengungkapkan bahwa Maluku telah didiami manusia sejak zaman es (pleestocene), sekurang-kurangnya 30.000 tahun lalu. Ketika itu, Maluku merupakan kawasan kritis yang menjadi mata rantai penghubung antar…